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09 May 2006

FIGHT LIKE A GIRL: Of course Toronto has a Pillow Fight League. I should have never doubted it. Next fight is Thursday night, who wants to go?
I wanna go!
posted by Specklet 09 May | 15:12
I wanna go!
posted by danostuporstar 09 May | 15:14
Please tell me the uniform is underwear.

/female-objectifying sexist male pig. dosen't care
posted by jonmc 09 May | 15:26
If it's a spectator sport, then hells yeah. Although I am allergic to feathers...
posted by SassHat 09 May | 15:47
From the Toronto Star article:
Despite the costumes and characters, the league isn't pretending when it comes to the pillow-smacking. That reality factor is what attracted trained stunt fighter and pin-up model Katrina Randell, whose stage name is Sally Spitfire, to join.

"We beat the crap out of each other and we're giggling at the end," she says.

"It's total fighting, unscripted, unfixed."

No gentle whacks or laugh attacks are allowed in this league. Ducking, weaving, smacking and grabbing is all expected to be on the fight card.

"It's exactly what you think it is, but yet it's nothing like you think it is," says Sally. "It's not just a bunch of sexy girls in lingerie. Hunker down, get ready, you're going to get walloped."

I'm serious about going. Are you really in, SassHat?

Thursday May 11 - 1032 Queen Street West (The Vatikan), Toronto - $7
Doors at 9 pm - Fights start at 10 pm sharp!
posted by heatherann 09 May | 15:55
Yeah, I'm down. It's cheaper than going to the movies.
posted by SassHat 09 May | 16:23
*digs special fighting pillow out of the cedar chest, polishes it, lays in wait*
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 16:25
Between this, ice hockey, gay marriage and the excellent pot, Canadians have all the fun...
posted by AlexReynolds 09 May | 16:26
Sorry I'm going to miss it--it sounds like a blast.

A couple of friends went to a Flash Mob pillow fight (video link, sound) in front of the Van Art Gallery a month or so ago, but I couldn't make it. Yes, it was just as fun as it looks.
posted by elizard 09 May | 17:24
*wallops elizard with special ninja fighting pillow, sneaks off again*
posted by mudpuppie 09 May | 18:42
Hey, I got one of 'dems out of my box of Post Toastee-O's je's this merning!

*cradles Special Ninja Fighting Pillow tenderly*

posted by Lipstick Thespian 09 May | 18:48
Did it come with a pvc Canadian flag bikini?
posted by elizard 09 May | 20:14
Does "hunker down" get used a lot up north? There's a NOMEANSNO track where it's said, and I always thought he was poking fun at the US south (mainly by the "y'all" that follows...). I feel like I should know this genetically from my Grandmother, but I don't. Please hope me, friendly Canadians. Also, pillow fights rule.
posted by safetyfork 10 May | 06:30
Why does Bactine smell so good? || A word to the drinkers: