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02 April 2006

OMG SPRING FORWARD! Damnit, I had no idea this was going down tonight. I'm barely tired and have to get up early. Admin, please dispense with this anachronistic practice!
Fucking A. I have been reminded/informed of this several times, and I still keep forgetting. Isn't it too early?
posted by mudpuppie 02 April | 01:24
Daylight savings time is total bullshit. It was officially started by the germans during WWI. THE GERMANS.
posted by puke & cry 02 April | 01:26
"Spring up, fall down."

Pass it along.

My current watch is a digital, which I'd rather not wear and have in the past mocked those who do, because it was a xmas gift to replace my previous watch, which was an elegant analog that was broken.

But both set themselves according the NIST radio broadcast of the time standard. When daylight savings time started and stopped, at 2AM (IIRC), the analog watch would either spin ahead an hour or 11 hours. I always intended to catch it happening but I never did in the four years I wore that watch. I'd wake up and it was already set to the correct time.
posted by kmellis 02 April | 01:36
Our clocks went forward here in the UK last week. It took me days to catch up with the lost hour.
posted by essexjan 02 April | 02:04
Yeah, we were last week as well. Welcome to the party, U.S.! Let's do the time warp again!!!!

Webexhibits has a great collection of daylight savings time trivia and anecdotes:

Time Change Riots

Patrons of bars that stay open past 2:00 a.m. lose one hour of drinking time on the day when Daylight Saving Time springs forward one hour. This has led to annual problems in numerous locations, and sometimes even to riots. For example, at a "time disturbance" in Athens, Ohio, site of Ohio University, over 1,000 students and other late night partiers chanted "Freedom," as they threw liquor bottles at the police attempting to control the riot.

posted by taz 02 April | 02:31
I propose the following

1) The entire planet standardize on one time. If it's noon in Sydney, it's noon in London and noon in New York.

2) Do away with the spring "spring-forward" but keep the fall "fall-back".
posted by Capn 02 April | 02:47
Are you Chinese or something?
posted by kmellis 02 April | 03:19
Yeah, for some reason this plays havoc with my mood swings too. Circadian rhythm and all that. And I have to be at church in less than an hour (choir-we have three services and have to be there half hour before the first one. Ick.)
posted by bunnyfire 02 April | 05:19
Yea the transition is harsh but I love that sunset isn't until 7:46 tonight. I don't usually get home until 6:30 or so from work and having some daylight leftover so that we can eat dinner on the deck or go for a walk is worth it.
posted by octothorpe 02 April | 11:02
Even after reading all those articles about Indiana making the switch to Daylight Savings Time, I didn't make the connection until about fifteen minutes ago.

Which means I got out of bed at one o'clock, instead of braving Sunday at noon. Bleah.
posted by interrobang 02 April | 13:19
Man, I hate daylight.

I miss Winter.
posted by porpoise 02 April | 15:08
Capn - great minds think alike. We shall band together and take this fight all the way to the World Court...
posted by muddgirl 02 April | 15:43
Man, I wish we had daylight savings here. I hate that it is light at 4.00 am and dark at 7.00pm in summer. The lack of twilight here exacerbates the problem, too. Stupid fucking Queenslanders whining about how the extra hour of dayling fades the curtains or something.
posted by dg 02 April | 22:29
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