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18 March 2006

So Mecha, whatcha upta this weekend? [More:]
Last night: Nothing excepet take out chinese and four episodes of The Practice. 'Twas glorious.

Tonight: Casiotone For the Painfully Alone show (yay!) and party at the current crush-object's house. (doubleyay!)

Sunday: Possibly going to the Matisyahu show with my dad if we can scrounge up tickets. Who knew hasidic reggae was so popular?

This weekend is the first of my spring break, which makes it all the more fabulous.
After two long, crazy and somewhat stressful weeks at work (fiscal year end) I hope to do nothing of any significance this weekend. Surfing the internet, making a mix disc or two, and watching TV are about the most I have planned. I think even reading a book sounds like too much brainpower. And since I don't like to go to bars during the ametuer drinker's weekends (St Pats and New Years eve - and quite often Thanksgiving weekend fits the bill too) I'll be content with the odds and end bottles of beer left in the fridge from six packs of days gone by.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 18 March | 10:07
i'm getting my hair bleached blonde and then i'm going to dye it hello kitty pink
posted by pieoverdone 18 March | 10:11
Last night: Tired after driving 8 hours and feeling a little sorry for myself. So, I stayed home and unpacked and watched some awful/delicious TV and listened to some PMM radio and planned how I'm going to set up my new apartment. Also, talked to my best friend, who told me she's pregnant, which is so cool.

Tonight: Going with a friend to see Homemade Hillbilly Jam and possibly Hair High at the Cleveland International Film Festival. Also, checking out a new vegetarian restaurant in town.

Sunday: Doing all my reading for school next week. My Sundays suck. Although if the weather is decent, I'm going to take a break and go take some pictures with my new (borrowed) digital camera.

pieoverdone, post pictures after you get your hair dyed!
posted by amro 18 March | 10:22
The Girl has a first aid course all weekend, so I've got a date with the couch, all the records she doesn't like, a pot or six of tea, and a stack of trashy mystery novels that are due back at the library on Monday. If I get through them all, I plan to reward myself with some Dorothy Sayers.

Oh, and I'm treating my 17-year-old brother to V for Vendetta tonight. He's a cool kid; introducing him to the world of politically-subversive comic books, however indirectly, can surely only make him cooler.
posted by Zozo 18 March | 11:15
Housework. A friend from the US arrives for a visit on Tuesday, so I've been cleaning my room (I'm sleeping on the inflatable in my spare room). And it was a big clean, including the windows (inside and out), and actually moving things to clean underneath them, instead of just round the sides.

Then the bathroom (where do all those toiletries come from?), and then I went to the hell that is Costco on a Saturday afternoon.

Now I'm ready for a nap and later on I'll finish up my tidying and dusting, all that kind of crap.

Non-stop excitement, I can tell you're all jealous.

posted by essexjan 18 March | 11:59
Today, I spent the afternoon (it's 5pm here) bagging up manure. That was fun.

Tomorrow, I am likely to sleep and veg out. And maybe listen to SXSW stuff.

But right now, I'm off to get a muffin and an apple.
posted by flopsy 18 March | 12:00
Last night, nothing of significance aside from a good chunk of the first season of The Shield. I did leave the house in the middle to go to a bookstore which was maybe a bad and maybe a good idea, but was a bit expensive.

This morning a nice long run, which seems to have agreed with me.

The rest of today: Some couch time, maybe a nap, a trip to the pottery studio to trim and put handles on a bunch of mugs.

Tonight: Staying up too late pacing the floor and listening to bits of songs, too jumpy to listen to anything all the way through. That's what I predict. I hope to collapse exhausted into "The Great Santa Barbara Oil Slick," a great John Fahey live cd, about midnight, and ride it into a fevered and intermittent sleep.

Tomorrow: Clean my apartment and pottery class in the evening.

Things I will put off but must do: 1) Finish the book that I assigned the bookgroup which I get paid to lead. Actually, just starting it would be an accomplishment. The group meets Monday night.
2) Study for my secondary Social Work licensing exam which is Tuesday morning. The material is easy, but the test seems to have been written by Finnish ferrets whose acquaintance with English is limited to the two words Social Work, which they can sort of pronounce but which they obviously do not know the meaning of.
posted by omiewise 18 March | 12:10
staying in, have some work to do, laundry, have to rearrange some bookcases. wolfie's 1980 radio set...
posted by amberglow 18 March | 14:09
I have no plans. Beyond laundry and finally unpacking from our NZ trip.
posted by gaspode 18 March | 14:24
Sleep, sleep and more sleep. I did a lot of Metachatting this week, compounded by Deejay'ing a lot this week as I recall, so this Starbucks-cranked out Kid didn't go to bed before 1AM since Sunday last. It's now 11:37 am PST on Saturday, and I've been concious for like 20 minutes.

That's about all. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
posted by Lipstick Thespian 18 March | 14:31
Let's see...double karate class (weapons and sparring), lunch out with wife, took the recycling to the center, did a couple loads of laundry, bought some new fluorescent bulbs for the basement, fixed a couple of lamps, fixed my oldest daughter's bed frame, took some test pictures with my 500mm mirror lens to see what they look like. For the evening I plan to bbq some chicken on the grill (despite the weather) and enjoy some homebrewed oatmeal stout. Tomorrow, I iron my shirts for work and do some typing for the fire department.
posted by tommasz 18 March | 16:11
As little as possible. It's Spring Break and dammit, indolence is bliss.
posted by Eideteker 18 March | 16:59
It is going to rain all weekend and I have stuff to do on the computer, so probably I will be sitting right here working on junk (some) and playing music/hanging out in #metachat (more).
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 18 March | 17:25
Get my registration sticker renewed on my car (check), get my oil changed (check), get a corned beef and make it (check), get groceries for the upcoming week (check--except I forgot I bought eggs last week and now I have two dozen eggs...good god it's a lot of eggs), learn Python, file my taxes, clean house, put stuff in boxes, take pictures of things I own and put them on Craigslist in hopes someone will buy them--anybody in Boston want a nice futon?, figure out how to sell my car, and figure out how to buy health insurance.

Another leisurely weekend...yuppers.
posted by Fuzzbean 18 March | 18:02
OMGILI ! web forum search! || it was the best of times, it was the worst of times