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Comment Feed:


11 December 2005

Rebroadcast starting at 10AM EST (in about 45 min). Listen. IRC.
Preshow's rolling right now. Actual programming begins shortly after 10. DJ consciousness not guaranteed, damned SA threads.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 09:45
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 09:52
Hey! voice! Cool.
posted by taz 11 December | 10:02
It came to me as I fell asleep last night. "I should record a voice introduction." 15 mins of monkeying around with my PDA and BAM!
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 10:03
Nice touch.
posted by taz 11 December | 10:16
There's some slight changes to the lineup coming up. Will you be joining me on IRC?
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 10:20
So where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday?
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 10:51

posted by jonmc 11 December | 11:09
I know. My German grandma could never understand.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 11:13
Also, yesterday at work I was cataloging CD singles, and I've come to the conclusion that the music industry possesses an endless supply of nubile post-pubescent girls who sing mildly racy dance music under their first names only. And their first name is always something like "Rochelle," or "Vivica."

I think it owuld be very punk rock to have one named "Hortense," "Edna," or "Beulah."

Let's have auditions.

on preview: there's sauerkraut and there's sauerkraut, my friend. I was eating at a German restaurant in the Village. All the staff was from Bavaria, the barmaids all in dirndls. I had some brats & kraut and a big ol' stein of Weihenstephaner Weissbier. "This kraut is delicious," I told the waitress.

"Yass, it iz gut," she answered, "What you people eat on ze frahnkfurters here, zat is not zauerkraut. Zat is pickled cabbage. But zis, zis is gut. Ve make it here."

Then she walked over to the stool where this guy had left his very well-behaved bulldog, picked the pooch up and danced to the oompah music with him for a few minutes.
posted by jonmc 11 December | 11:19
There's a Canadjun singer named "Dalbello." I haven't heard much of her stuff, but she's got quite a voice.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 11:35
Jon, that's a great story.
posted by urbanwhaleshark 11 December | 11:41
"Dalbello," still sounds exotic and thus racy. We need an ingenue named Hilda or Matilda or something.
posted by jonmc 11 December | 11:42
woo! - Eurotrash girl. There's a track I can get behind.
posted by taz 11 December | 12:16
Taz, you're my favorite Eurotrash girl.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 12:26
Matilda? Could I be an ingenue? A 40 year old fat ingenue?

P.S. There's an indie rock band called Beulah but it's all guys as far as I know.
posted by matildaben 11 December | 13:36
There's an indie rock band called Beulah

who are actually pretty damned good.

Matilda? Could I be an ingenue? A 40 year old fat ingenue?

your bling, fishnets, and pink stilletos are in the mail.
posted by jonmc 11 December | 13:44 is not loading... we're not broadcasting
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 13:53
Stop the presses! JonMc admits to liking an indie rock band! Film at 11!
posted by matildaben 11 December | 13:54
Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to in /usr/www/users/dodgy/metachat/blogs/radio/radio_stats.php on line 7
Due to me not having the admin password of any shoutcast servers, no details can be displayed in this demo is Offline
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 13:57
matilda, I like plenty of indie bands (especially those from back in the late 80's-early 90's). my playlist (somewhat out of date, but still representative of my tastes) contains plenty of indie stuff: the Replacements, Husker Du, Green On Red, E*I*E*I*O, Guadalcanal Diary, Sonic Youth all are faves of mine. I just have beefs with the posturing on the indie scene, the fact that the term "indie rock," actually tells you nothing about what the music sounds like, and the fact that these days it's generally as bland as the mainstream it opposes. But I've said that all before ad nauseam, so I'll shut up now.
posted by jonmc 11 December | 14:01
Yep, looks like the server's gone down. I've logged it with the ISP.
posted by dodgygeezer 11 December | 14:37
That makes sense, jon - I'm more making fun of the "jonmc persona" than the actual jonmc. I love you - kisses!
posted by matildaben 11 December | 14:38
Ok, we're back. ~1 hr, then RadioMatilda!
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 14:44
Thanks, dodgy!
posted by matildaben 11 December | 14:46
Yes, thanks to dodgy.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 14:53
Weird Al - Albuquerque
Mozart - Eine Kleine Nacht Musik
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Tarkus
Yes - Starship Trooper
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick (part 1)
Jethro Tull - Thick As a Brick (part 2)
King Crimson - Asbury Park
Rush - La Villa Strangiato
Queensr˙che - Suite Sister Mary
Filter - Welcome To The Fold
Metallica - ...And Justice for All
Molly McGuire - Royal Pine Box
Jawbreaker - Accident Prone
Cracker - Euro-Trash Girl
Blue Öyster Cult - Astronomy
Kerry Livgren - Mask of the Great Deceiver
Ian Saint Ian - Outside
I Mother Earth - Shortcut To Moncton
At the Drive-in - Invalid Litter Dept.
Local H - (Baby Wants To) Tame Me
Tubeway Army - We Have a Technical
Meat Puppets - Fatboy/Fat/Requiem
Mother Love Bone - Chloe Dancer - Crown of Thorns
Shiner - The Simple Truth
Smashing Pumpkins - Drown
Sonic Youth - Diamond Sea
Soundgarden - Like Suicide
Spacehog - Zeroes
The Dismemberment Plan - Respect Is Due
Goudie - When Will You Be Mine
Critters Buggin - Los Lobos
Alice in Chains - Over Now

Yeah, I spoke. I didn't rap or beatbox, though. Heartbreaking, I know. I think 1 or two people wanted a West Coast rebroadcast; maybe later this week.
posted by Eideteker 11 December | 16:00
Giant pink bunny on Italian mountainside! || Happy Chanukkah Bill O'Reilly