Updated Food Pyramid →[More:]
Previously on the
Blue. Tonight, my nephew's Scoutmaster brought printouts from the site to a discussion of "youth nutrition".
Tips & Resources
Your food and activity choices each day affect the entire American agribusiness and pharmaceutical marketplace.
* Make half your grains refined.
* Review nutrition labels, but base your selection of food products on the packaging pictures you find most attractive
* High fructose corn syrup counts as one of your daily servings of grain
Some "scientific studies" have claimed milk has no connection to healthy bone development. These studies, however, ignore the most obvious correlation -- bones, milk, and teeth are all white.
This calorie level is only an estimate of your survival needs. We actually expect the average American to eat about 50-100% more than we suggest, to help create demand for the approximately 1500 calories per person per day excess of food currently produced by Agribusiness corporations in the US.