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28 August 2005

Hey, Look! I'm so proud! [More:]

Remember the flickr photo I posted to the "faces of metachat" thread of myself and my cousin, Samantha?

Well, there's an article about her and a photo in today's Albuquerque Journal. It's about a little book she wrote about surviving cancer. Here's a pdf of the actual newspaper page, and here's the same as a gif.

Three years ago when Sam first started treatment, one day her mom found her fussily working with some markers and paper. Jennifer asked her what she was doing. "I'm making a list of things that the doctors and nurses can do to make it easier for me when I'm there", she said. The first item on the list was Please tell me what you're going to do before you do it. So, she made copies of the list, took it with her on her next visit and, sure enough, presented to everyone. To their credit, they took it very seriously. When the procedure was finished, Sam asked her mom if there was any candy in her purse. "Why?", Jennifer asked. "Because I want to give the nurse and doctor some candy for being good with me like I asked, just like they give me candy when they're done." And she did.
good to hear she's ok, and now she's famous! : >

(is it totally gone, or is she still at risk?)
posted by amberglow 28 August | 17:14
Brava, Sam!!!
posted by puddinghead 28 August | 17:15
That's great. And a nice anecdote, too. Go Sam!
posted by gaspode 28 August | 17:21
It's gone, but it needs to stay gone for more than two years to be official. But she's doing really well. I've been thinking about visiting more often--I was considering getting her turned on to Buffy and maybe I could go over there once a week with an episode or two and we could watch them together.

She's amazing.
posted by kmellis 28 August | 17:41 are very tough and resilient--i'm sure it'll stay gone.
posted by amberglow 28 August | 17:54
very cool, EB, congratulations and a hug (to Samantha)
posted by matteo 28 August | 18:31
That's terrific, EB! I'm glad to hear Samantha is doing so well and sharing her stories with other kids. She sounds like a very smart young lady.
posted by LeeJay 28 August | 20:09
Fantastic News. She sounds amazing and strong.
posted by safetyfork 29 August | 07:00
That's just great all around. Nice post!
posted by omiewise 29 August | 08:19
she made copies of the list, took it with her on her next visit and, sure enough, presented to everyone
She's related? Would never have guessed. But seriously, that's a really nice story. I imagine the Nurses will have been blown away being given candy for doing their work properly. Heh.
posted by peacay 29 August | 09:00
Heh. She's really more like a niece to me, as her mom is only six years my senior and has always been like an older sister.

She's super well-behaved but I joke that all this means is that she's going to go berserk as a teenager.
posted by kmellis 29 August | 09:28
woohoo! That is awesome. : )
posted by sisterhavana 29 August | 11:24
Cool story. I admire practicality like this. She will just get cooler.

posted by bdave 29 August | 12:22
Simply awesome. Glad to hear she's doing better.
posted by jrossi4r 29 August | 12:31
posted by Frisbee Girl 29 August | 13:06
Wow! Good going, Samantha! Thanks for sharing, kmellis.

There was a faces of metachat thread?
posted by deborah 29 August | 15:50
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