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15 August 2005

MeCha dream. [More:] My brother is suddenly 15 months old again, and in a cooking contest. He's getting all stressed out because the fondant icing isn't setting. taz is on her way to meet me because we're moving in together (I don't know where I was in the dream, though), and I'm wondering if she wouldn't mind being my brother's soux chef.

I see her in a crowd of people, and run over and say "taz?!" (She's hot in that chunky librarian sort of way. Courderoy skirt, tortise shell glasses, dark red lipstick.) She looks at me blankly and says "Howard?" I'm miffed and say "No! Specklet!"

I ask her to help my brother, who by this time is crying peevishly. We calm him down and put him down for a nap. We then proceed to discuss where to put furniture in our new place, but worry because dame is also moving in with us, and she's got a lot of furniture.

I woke up before we found out if my brother won the contest.
That would be a cool house to live in, I think.
posted by gaspode 15 August | 12:52
This has it all: projection of anxiety onto a sibling, over-furniturisation, food, and a hidden reference to Scooby Doo. A classic cheese dream.
posted by veedubya 15 August | 12:54
Yay! I was in a dream. And clearly the furniture represents my psychic baggage and the way you are both drawn to and repelled by me.
posted by dame 15 August | 13:18
hey dame--were your phone and internet knocked out at work until just recently? ...we've been out since 11am up here--it only just came back.
posted by amberglow 15 August | 13:22
I'm at home today, and we are all electric go. But I'm having giant apartment anxiety, so all is only mediocre. Though electric is nice.
posted by dame 15 August | 13:30
I truly admire any 15 month old who can make a decent fondant icing.

dame, you were in my dream too.
posted by iconomy 15 August | 13:45

Amberglow: The weekend heat and storms had their toll on the utilities.
A great deal of CT's still without power.
posted by Smart Dalek 15 August | 13:55
it was weird--we had lights at work, but only a little ac, and no phone/internet/servers.
posted by amberglow 15 August | 19:28

I see her in a crowd of people, and run over and say "taz?!" (She's hot in that chunky librarian sort of way. Courderoy skirt, tortise shell glasses, dark red lipstick.) She looks at me blankly and says "Howard?" I'm miffed and say "No! Specklet!"

made me laugh like a hyena.
posted by LeeJay 15 August | 21:01
Yay! I was in a dream.

it happens quite a lot lately, I have to report.
posted by matteo 16 August | 09:06
Howard? Howard? Ah... There you are!

Sorry, Howard - I didn't see this post 'til just now (too busy schlepping dame's furniture around. What a furniture hog she is. Hoo boy!).

Anyway, if we're going to be living together, there're a few things you should know about me...

*slips into wetsuit; begins setting up trampoline*
posted by taz 16 August | 09:22
Woo hoo! I knew this was a good idea!

Yay, matteo, welcome back!
posted by Specklet 16 August | 12:06
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