MeCha dream. →[More:] My brother is suddenly 15 months old again, and in a cooking contest. He's getting all stressed out because the fondant icing isn't setting. taz is on her way to meet me because we're moving in together (I don't know where I was in the dream, though), and I'm wondering if she wouldn't mind being my brother's soux chef.
I see her in a crowd of people, and run over and say "taz?!" (She's hot in that chunky librarian sort of way. Courderoy skirt, tortise shell glasses, dark red lipstick.) She looks at me blankly and says "Howard?" I'm miffed and say "No! Specklet!"
I ask her to help my brother, who by this time is crying peevishly. We calm him down and put him down for a nap. We then proceed to discuss where to put furniture in our new place, but worry because dame is also moving in with us, and she's got a lot of furniture.
I woke up before we found out if my brother won the contest.