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11 August 2005

That's gonna take a LOT of plastic surgery.
posted by mcgraw 11 August | 11:10

I think the Anna Nicole Smith pic is just probably the most unfortunate photograph ever taken. She's making a funny face, has her neck all twisted, has horrible horrible horrible makeup on, and it's shot from below - all conspiring to make her look like Cruella DeVille's ugly sister.

Jaysus it actually sounds like I'm defending Anna Nicole Smith.

I have nothing against aging blondes, or aging anything or anyone else, but I do think that all women (and men, if they're into it) should wear LESS MAKEUP as they get older, not more. Also, when your beauty or sex appeal is all that you have going for you, it must be really scary to see it slipping away.
posted by iconomy 11 August | 11:11
(and men, if they're into it) should wear LESS MAKEUP

unless they are Alice Cooper, or a member of Kiss or Twisted Sister, men should not wear makeup, period.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 11:15
The members of Kiss should not be allowed to remove their make-up, ever. Unless they have a sack securely attached to their heads.
posted by dodgygeezer 11 August | 11:20
Or Tim Curry.


posted by loquacious 11 August | 11:21
*gives loquacious the bleach she didn't use when last highlighting her hair so that he may bleach his eyeballs and then reinsert them into his eye sockets*
posted by iconomy 11 August | 11:33
unless they are Alice Cooper, or a member of Kiss or Twisted Sister, men should not wear makeup, period.

I must disagree. I think almost every guy looks better with eyeliner!
posted by kellydamnit 11 August | 11:46
The only time makeup will ever touch this guy's face is when it's in a pine box, and I may have myself cremated to prevent that from happening.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 11:50
*will take nail polish to next meetup, hold down jonmc and paint his nails*
posted by gaspode 11 August | 11:53
*individally hits all ten fingernails with hammer, shattering them beyond recognition*

Hah, foiled!

*wonders how he's going to open beer can now*
posted by jonmc 11 August | 11:56
Get the toes, too.
posted by sarah connor 11 August | 12:03
If you hold your eyeliner pencil between your teeth, jonmc, you might get enough leverage to pop the top.
posted by Hugh Janus 11 August | 12:03
*lets taxicab drive over toes*

[sigh]I'm safe now.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 12:04
jon, if you ever have any daughters, one of the first things they want to do when they can clutch things in their chubby little fingers is to mark Dad up like a whore, with ill-applied nail polish and lipstick and eye shadow. You will be one of their first test subjects. After you're painted up like a trollop, you will be forced to endure an imaginary tea party. And you will love every second of it.
posted by iconomy 11 August | 12:08
I'm going to hate myself for linking to it, but this photo of poor Helen Hunt just haunts me. At least she's not abusing eyeliner.
posted by maryh 11 August | 12:11
jon, if you ever have any daughters, one of the first things they want to do when they can clutch things in their chubby little fingers is to mark Dad up like a whore, with ill-applied nail polish and lipstick and eye shadow.

I have a sister who is 15 years younger than me. I let her and her little freinds use my head to play beauty parlor when they we preschoolers, because I am a good older brother. But thankfully they were too young to know about makeup.

Besides, my beauty regimen of poor hygeine, indifference to fashion, bad diet and heavy drinking has served me well.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 12:11
maryh, wow, that photo haunted me too. That was a real WTF moment when I first saw it.

Also courtesy of Go Fug Yourself:

What the future holds in store for Pamela Anderson.
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by iconomy 11 August | 12:13
kellydamnit: lend me a corset. we're taking jonmc to rocky.
posted by loquacious 11 August | 12:20
this photo of poor Helen Hunt just haunts me

Why? She's 42 now. I mean if I was to bitchfest the clothing and accessories are charity reject material. A bit of unfortunate frumpry. But I think she otherwise looks pretty good. If she's been cut I don't notice it. Lighting/makeup are also not completely flattering. But in a general sense I definitely find her to be still attractive. Maybe not whiplash causing drop dead gorgeous, but I've always thought she was better than pleasant.
posted by peacay 11 August | 12:21
or frumpery..
posted by peacay 11 August | 12:21
I used to go to Rocky all the time when I was younger. Including during my first acid trip. But I'll pass on the lingerie. I don't even care for lingerie on women, remember?
posted by jonmc 11 August | 12:22
Oh, it's not for your amusement. :)
posted by loquacious 11 August | 12:24
And Helen Hunt is still cute, frumpy or no.
posted by loquacious 11 August | 12:25
For me it's not her face, it's the expression on her face. It's just incredibly disturbing but I can't express why.
posted by iconomy 11 August | 12:27
Oh, it's not for your amusement.

Trust me, your reaction would be more horror, than amusement.

And yeah, Helen Hunt's still beautiful. She's got that girl next door thing working, which ages much better than the sex-bomb look.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 12:27
"Coochie coochie!

One two three four five sex!

OOooo I say sumzing wrong???"

~ My imitation of Charo.

Thank you, thank you very much. I'll be here all week.
posted by iconomy 11 August | 12:33
Yeah, I agree Peacay, and it's mostly just an unfortunate photo, like most of the photos that show up on the bitchy celebrity sites. But there's something so resigned about the way she looks in that shot... I always think of her as this great looking, sleek woman. Maybe I'm just too close to her in age, but I don't want my iconography fucked with like this. (And to think I started looking at to escape the despair from the political blogs. Big mistake....)
posted by maryh 11 August | 12:39
*wonders how he's going to open beer can now*

with your teeth, duh.

And if I look like Helen Hunt at 42, I'll be damned satisfied. Although, she looks better than I do now so...
posted by gaspode 11 August | 12:55
It's the way of all flesh. Even plasticized flesh.
posted by me3dia 11 August | 13:08
I can't think of anyone that looks good when photographed from below. That said, Anna Nicole looks rather plastic even if photographed in a more flattering way.

Once in a while I'll see a photograph of Pamela without makeup. She is a pretty woman. She needs to quit with the tan-in-a-can and apply make-up with something smaller than a trowel. I mean, look at that lip-line. Talk about colouring outside the lines.

And yeah, Helen Hunt looks rather hunted. Or is that haunted?
posted by deborah 11 August | 13:18
Now that I'm forty and have been dating again for the last few years, I've really noticed that among American women, it seems, there's a great deal of diversity of apparent age at about 40. But not by 45 or 50, really, so those that are 40 but look 32 don't have much longer to be so "young".

But in general, I'm really confused these days about people's ages, except those upwards of 55 and those below 14.
posted by kmellis 11 August | 13:22
that's because of all the botox, hair-dye, makeup and rhinoplasty, dude.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 13:25
Well, here's a friend of mine and she was 39 when I took that photo last year (a horrible photo, mind you). She looks "early thirties" to me and no plastic surgery or anything. On the other hand, looking through online personal ads, there's a whole lot of 40 year-old women that look as if they were 53. Maybe they're lying about their age, though. Hmm, the woman I'm kinda sorta dating now is also 40 but looks more like, say, 35.

I have no idea how old I look. I'm watching my beard go gray on a weekly basis. Seriously, very little gray (you had to look closely to see it) only eight months ago, now quite a bit. I'd have a lot of gray in my hair...if I had any hair to speak of.
posted by kmellis 11 August | 13:38
I'm feeling and watching myself become less youthful all the time. Gray hairs are starting to come in, wrinkles on my face, tendency to hate teenagers, the works. But I intend to grow old gracefully, no hair dye, no rogaine, no surgery. Frankly, I thing old age will actually be my milleu. I like talking to old farts in bars better than young people already.
posted by jonmc 11 August | 13:47
I vacillate between raging against the dying of the if not light then well, gorgeous young thing bit and being resigned to it, waiting for my Crone robes and official wisdom plaque. Mostly though I whine about how nobody ever whistles at me anymore, and then when they do I tell all my friends. Pathetic, that's me. Fortunately or unfortunately I'm too much of a wimp to ever have plastic surgery (I can't see going under the knife/laser/botulism voluntarily) but they will have to pry my Lady Clairol from my cold dead fingers. I am not going to have gray hair. There are limits to this aging gracefully shtick.
posted by mygothlaundry 11 August | 14:18
Mostly though I whine about how nobody ever whistles at me anymore,

*whistles, makes lewd comments, says "ay, mami mira'*

Nobody ever whistled at me except traffic cops.

I am not going to have gray hair. There are limits to this aging gracefully shtick.

Emmylou Harris looks hawt with gray hair. I'm just saying
posted by jonmc 11 August | 14:22
Pamela is adorable without makeup (what the hell is up with that lip liner?), Helen needs an eyelid lift or maybe some glasses, Anna just looks bad under most circumstances, and Emmylou is one of the most beautiful people in the world and will probably always be.

Getting older is weird. I'm sorry to say that for someone who relied on her looks more than she should have when younger, aging is a shocker. You don't REALLY think you'll ever look older, but suddenly there's no denying that you're middle aged and you look like it.

I was reading a great article about how women learn to re-define themselves as sexual beings when their looks aren't a part of that anymore. Now that I'm adjusting to it, it's liberating and fun. I'm sillier, smarter and take less shit. I'm a better listener. I'm kinder.

Having said all that, I have to tell you that I nevertheless own more lipsticks than anyone you know, and I still kick ass in stilettos. I always will.

posted by puddinghead 11 August | 14:57
I'm getting grey hairs and I'm not thirty yet. I hope this trend continues and soon I will look like a villian in a Japanese RPG.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 11 August | 17:05
I worked with a woman whose hair went completely white by the time she was in her late 20's. She looked absolutely amazing, and people would gaze at her like she was a magical unicorn thingy in the midst of mortals.
posted by maryh 11 August | 17:15
Yeah, my laughlines are definitely noticable these days. But that's cool. If you've laughed so much in your life that it left permanent marks on your face, you have no right to complain. And so I won't.

Plus, I just lost 15 pounds and am feeling pretty damn awesome about that.

But back to the topic at hand. Here's what's left of Courtney Love.
posted by jrossi4r 11 August | 17:17
"I killed my husband."
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by mcgraw 11 August | 17:23
"....with B.O."
posted by maryh 11 August | 17:30
Have Courtney Love and Mickey Rourke ever been seen in the same room together?
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by dodgygeezer 11 August | 17:36
Helen Hunt from May of this year. She's adorable!
posted by Feisty 11 August | 17:41
That's Courtney Love? When I first saw it it looked like Bette Midler after a big night out.

this photo of poor Helen Hunt just haunts me ...
... I've always thought she was better than pleasant.

Much, much better than pleasant, in my opinion. Except that, as with 99.99% of celebrities, she has got stuck on the "thinner is better" bandwagon in the last few years.
posted by dg 11 August | 19:08
Mick Jagger rolls back the years || Mixup Reminder.