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Comment Feed:


09 August 2005

Scratch that, the beauty lives!
posted by Skrik 09 August | 18:05
posted by quonsar 09 August | 18:11
posted by quonsar 09 August | 18:12
Yeah, scared me too. It was obviously this post.
posted by mygothlaundry 09 August | 18:33

/wearing his MonkeyFilter shirt
posted by LarryC 09 August | 19:00
Monkeyfilter had a brief case of the jruns, except when mofi goes down you get a message saying "The account has been suspended."
posted by mygothlaundry 09 August | 19:05
Ooohhhh, I thought you were calling Monkeyfilter shit.

Which it is.
posted by interrobang 09 August | 19:13
No it isn't.
posted by mygothlaundry 09 August | 19:41
Yes it is.
posted by interrobang 09 August | 19:42
That's what I thought, too, interro.

And I abandoned that site when it's Fark-post-quota was more than met some time ago -- only to return lately due to some good content. Too soon to tell if it will improve in any lasting way, but seriously, less serious content daily than MeCha, and less serious debate to go with.
posted by dreamsign 09 August | 19:44
Mofi=pale purple

Mofi=no discernible odor

shit=little bits of corn
Mofi=well, okay, I'll give you that one

Mofi=sometimes quite noisy

Therefore, shit /= Mofi. See? I've run rings round you, logically.
/utter nerd
posted by mygothlaundry 09 August | 19:46
MoFi has a place in history as the most successful spinoff/alt to MeFi, no? (besides here, of course)
posted by amberglow 09 August | 19:47
Monkeyfilter is nothing more than metafilter rehashed, with some links from boingboing and fark and memepool, and some really, extremely boring conversations under each post wherein people--while not fighting, I'll give it that--simply talk about the posts, without providing each other with more information about the subject of the post or making well thought out and interesting points about it.
posted by interrobang 09 August | 19:50
You forgot to say whether they kiss with tongue.
posted by George_Spiggott 10 August | 00:50
Interro, hon, don't start a monkey-rabbit war. Few things could be more ridiculous!
posted by melissa may 10 August | 00:56
(and monkeys are more prone to feces-slinging--i don't want to clean up afterwards)
posted by amberglow 10 August | 01:10
"Monkeyfilter is nothing more than metafilter rehashed, with some links from boingboing and fark and memepool.."

You are a fucking idiot. Find one link from fark or memepool in the last year on MoFi, I challenge you (memepool still exists?). There may be one or two boingboing posts in recent months, but what blog *doesn't* post corey's bullshit? As for rehashed Mefi.. this is what Mefi is really all about. And that's all it's about, these days. A coffee klatch clusterfuck.

Mefi's posts, well, recently Mofi has scooped the blue so many times with links, I've perused the page when bored and said, 'shit, I saw that link on Mofi two weeks ago'. The multitude of members ensures lots of posts, but they all turn out the same way.

"...extremely boring conversations..."

- yes, Mefi is a fount of intellect, what with the bitching all day, the call-outs and the cloned political whining. There is little interesting converstation at Mefi, and the personalities there mostly resemble yours; ugly.

There, you see? Shit has been flung.
posted by That's Mr Chyren 10 August | 02:24
I think it's a minority opinion, Mr. Chyren. I love MoFi, and I love MeFi... they're not in a contest.

≡ Click to see image ≡

Interrobang, bunny is not pleased.
posted by taz 10 August | 03:44
Actually, since I'm in a bad mood, I'll elaborate... One sort of person who gets under my skin perhaps more than anyone is that neighbor in your building who talks shit about all the other neighbors. I would be happier to spend years putting up with all the flaws and eccentricities and irritations of all the rest of the neighbors combined than spend five minutes listening to first one. /subtle metaphor
posted by taz 10 August | 04:03
No, I did not mean MoFi is shit. I intended to express dismay at its being down, apparently due to an unpaid bill. Is MeFi shit? Dunno. I don't read it any more. Nor do I read BoingBoing. Nor Fark. And I only look at Memepool once in a bluelavender moon, or so.

And I agree wholeheartedly with Taz.
posted by Skrik 10 August | 05:15
≡ Click to see image ≡
we are the best of friends.
posted by dabitch 10 August | 07:43
Mefi's posts, well, recently Mofi has scooped the blue so many times with links

Even we scoop the blue lately. MeFi hasn't been about stuff you haven't seen elsewhere for years now.
posted by amberglow 10 August | 08:31
honestly, scooping the blue may be because here there's a more lax 'tude to a post. So here I'll post something, what's the worst that can happen? It'll be ignored. Big deal right? So many many many times have I not posted to the blue because of some of the snarkfest there, I think a lot of people "hold back" to be honest. I mean really, I've posted more times here than in the blue - where I've had an account since 2000.
Often I've seen links in the blue that I was tempted to post but didn't, show up a little later, and then I've kicked myself for not posting it. Silly huh?
posted by dabitch 10 August | 09:12
This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

(Couldn't resist. : ) )
posted by sisterhavana 10 August | 09:22
Scoops, bananas....who's making sundays? Y'all are sweet, sticking with the ice cream treats metaphor, and I'm not afraid to say it.
posted by safetyfork 10 August | 09:46
caramel all over it for me please.
posted by dabitch 10 August | 09:58
*caramels all over it*
posted by dg 10 August | 10:09
MoFi has a place in history as the most successful spinoff/alt to MeFi, no?

Well, I'd place that crown atop the knobby little head of SportsFilter myself. We even have the MSN ripoff to prove it.

Oh, and Snot
posted by danostuporstar 10 August | 10:29
MoFi has a place in history as the most successful spinoff/alt to MeFi, no?

Well, I'd place that crown atop the knobby little head of SportsFilter myself.

SpoFi Members: 2659
MoFi Members: 3883

Comparing active members would show an even wider discrepancy. SpoFi tends to have a small handful of very active posters/commenters. I'm not knocking it, however...I've been a member there for years, and will become active again once hockey comes back.
posted by rocket88 10 August | 14:53
I'm sorry.
posted by interrobang 10 August | 20:37
posted by nickdanger 11 August | 22:00
Yeah, mofi never has any good links. (and those are just the creditted.)

And no good or deep discussions, or people adding unique knowledge.
posted by jb 14 August | 04:03
I like all the MeFi-metaworlds, including viewropa. Some measure of kudos to interrobang for apologizing though. And I know exactly what you mean about posting-fear dabitch. MeFi is intimidating for sure.
posted by peacay 14 August | 04:29
metachat and viewropa have the nicest design.
posted by jb 14 August | 04:43
It's about the links! || Wherefore art thou, Pretty_Generic...?