Obligatory 4th of July thread. What are your Independence Day memories?
I grew up in a shithole Texas town, in what used to be the middle of nowhere (but is now the 'burbs).
My dad is a wonderful guy. He built the house I grew up in, along with the workshop, barn, and greenhouse on the property. But he is -- maybe understandably -- afraid that it will all someday burn down.
Our 4ths always started with my dad obsessivly hosing down the roof -- even after bottle rockets were banned in Texas. He was sure that some idiot neighbor kid would burn HIS house down.
[We also never had a real christmas tree, but that's another post.]
Our evening festivities consisted of firewroks that stayed *on the ground.*
Later, as a special treat, we'd climb on to the roof to watch all of the fireworks people shot off in the valley between our little town and Ft. Worth. Then we'd watch the grass fires start. Then we'd watch the fire trucks head down the highways to the grass fires that had just started.
Every year was the same, and we never got to light big explosive device.