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On MetaChat, "Penis" is a simple, complete sentence that is as generic as "Aloha."
On MetaChat, "Penis" is a simple, complete sentence that is as generic as "Aloha." (See [[In-Jokes]].)
The penis sentiment came abour during an IRC discussion. It was prompted by a link to a review of a John Irving book. The review began:
The penis sentiment came about during an IRC discussion. It was prompted by a link to a review of a John Irving book. The review began:
<blockquote>Penis. Penis penis penis, penis penis penis penis, penis-penis penis-penis. Penis, penis and penis; "the little guy" and penis. Penis. If the above strikes you as unnecessarily phallocentric, repetitive or gratuitous, there's a fair chance that John Irving's new novel, Until I Find You, is probably not going to be to your taste.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Penis. Penis penis penis, penis penis penis penis, penis-penis penis-penis. Penis, penis and penis; "the little guy" and penis. Penis. If the above strikes you as unnecessarily phallocentric, repetitive or gratuitous, there's a fair chance that John Irving's new novel, Until I Find You, is probably not going to be to your taste.</blockquote>
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<br /><FunkyHelix> You too
<br /><FunkyHelix> You too
<br /><mudpuppie> don't let the fridge slam on your penis, dodgy.
<br /><mudpuppie> don't let the fridge slam on your penis, dodgy.
[http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/images/apollo_mission.gif| penis] can pop up in [http://metachat.org/index.php/2005/06/30/ad_free_web#comments| unlikely places]

Latest revision as of 07:18, 3 January 2006


On MetaChat, "Penis" is a simple, complete sentence that is as generic as "Aloha." (See In-Jokes.)

The penis sentiment came about during an IRC discussion. It was prompted by a link to a review of a John Irving book. The review began:

Penis. Penis penis penis, penis penis penis penis, penis-penis penis-penis. Penis, penis and penis; "the little guy" and penis. Penis. If the above strikes you as unnecessarily phallocentric, repetitive or gratuitous, there's a fair chance that John Irving's new novel, Until I Find You, is probably not going to be to your taste.

The discussion devolved from there.


The transcript follows:

<mudpuppie> Best lede ever: http://www.theage.com.au/news/reviews/until-i-find-you/2005/09/08/1125772645164.html?oneclick=true
<urbanwhaleshark> what a great place. how long have you and your beau been out there?
<taz> about eight years
<urbanwhaleshark> penis
<taz> nope.
<urbanwhaleshark> ok then
<taz> mudpuppie, I didn't see the article... I tried a bugmenot login, but it didn't work.
<mudpuppie> no?
<urbanwhaleshark> worked ok for me.
<mudpuppie> Penis. Penis penis penis, penis penis penis penis, penis-penis penis-penis. Penis, penis and penis; "the little guy" and penis. Penis. If the above strikes you as unnecessarily phallocentric, repetitive or gratuitous, there's a fair chance that John Irving's new novel, Until I Find You, is probably not going to be to your taste.
<taz> "Until I Find You: a message to my penis"
<urbanwhaleshark> "A whole lot of detail to a meaningless end."
<urbanwhaleshark> like life really.
<mudpuppie> and like a lot of john irving, as well
<mudpuppie> i've got hangover-eye
<urbanwhaleshark> im reading Ripley's Believe It Or Not atm. funny as hell. their website is crap tho.
<urbanwhaleshark> what's hangover-eye?
<urbanwhaleshark> it's not like penis-penis, is it?
<agropyron> It's when your penis is bloodshot, right?
<agropyron> er, eye
<taz> penis.
<urbanwhaleshark> lol
<mudpuppie> when i'm hungover, my right eye hurts. penis.
<urbanwhaleshark> say it again, taz. that made me laugh
<taz> you know I will.
<taz> just watch.
<taz> penis.
*mudpuppie convulses
<urbanwhaleshark> just great.
<urbanwhaleshark> in pain or happiness?
<taz> oh, geat. Anothet of the big questions in life.
<taz> Like "am I quonsar?"
<mudpuppie> mirth
<taz> john irving could take a (penis) tip from us.
<urbanwhaleshark> not from me he wont
<taz> stingy.
<urbanwhaleshark> i told you. im shy.
<taz> penis tip is not about shy. It's about sharing.
<urbanwhaleshark> im not sure john will see it like that.
<taz> this is bigger than john.
<mudpuppie> i have half of a line to a song in my head, but i can't figure out the rest -- "...then you'd better take this little tip from me..."
<urbanwhaleshark> crikey
<taz> ow!
<taz> nope, I can't figure it out, muds. brb...
<urbanwhaleshark> Ani DiFranco?
<mudpuppie> ah, woody guthrie. google comes through with the tip. penis.
<urbanwhaleshark> john won't be happy with that
<urbanwhaleshark> ive just saved this as penis.txt
<mudpuppie> that's what he should have called his book, apparently
<urbanwhaleshark> right. ive gotta shift for my Big Night Out. Lovely to talk penis with you all. Have a great weekend all.
<taz> unless it was a medical manual, then it would be called "penis.doc"
<taz> Penis, urban!!!
-->| dodgygeezer (~dodgygeez@cloak-1A5B1373.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) has joined #metachat
=-= Mode #metachat +oq dodgygeezer dodgygeezer by ChanServ
<urbanwhaleshark> penis, taz
<dodgygeezer> uh, what?
<taz> Penis, dodgy!
<urbanwhaleshark> penis dodgy!
<dodgygeezer> dodgy penis
<urbanwhaleshark> lol. laters.
<taz> ciao
<dodgygeezer> see you
|<-- urbanwhaleshark has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: Leaving)
<mudpuppie> aw, he's gone.
<mudpuppie> penis.
<taz> dodgy, you're back! penis.
<dodgygeezer> my back penis?
<dodgygeezer> i don't have a back penis
<mudpuppie> that's called a tail, dodgy, not a 'back penis'
<taz> but you could probably use one, couldn't you?
<dodgygeezer> i have a small breast on my back
* dodgygeezer fondles breast
<mudpuppie> just one?
<dodgygeezer> just one
<mudpuppie> apparently, 3rd nipples are tied to increase cancer risk.
<taz> is it centered? pnis.
<mudpuppie> YOU FORGOT THE E!!!
<taz> epnis
<mudpuppie> that sounds so greek
<taz> opa! epnis!
<taz> I wonder what agropyron is doing. penis.
<dodgygeezer> so girls, what's with the penis envy?
<taz> it's mudpuppie's fault. as usual.
<mudpuppie> most things are.
<mudpuppie> http://www.theage.com.au/news/reviews/until-i-find-you/2005/09/08/1125772645164.html?oneclick=true
<mudpuppie> ooh, i just got a warm, fuzzy feeling.
<mudpuppie> hmm. dodgy?
<dodgygeezer> i think irving's books have too many words in them without adding extra peni
<dodgygeezer> yes pups
<mudpuppie> dodgy, did you exempt yourself from showing up in the online list? 'cause you're not there.
<agropyron> taz: helping my wife light a candle
<dodgygeezer> that's some weird thing - hang on
<mudpuppie> agro, is she candle-challeneged?
<dodgygeezer> i should magically appear
<mudpuppie> you did.
<mudpuppie> neat trick.
<agropyron> Well. I'm not sure. Is there a test to determine candle-challengedness?
<dodgygeezer> i'll have to find out why i get marked as invisible every damn time
<agropyron> It may just be a challenging candle.
<mudpuppie> when she tries to light a candle does she, like, poke herself in the eye or something?
<agropyron> This candle's wick is too short.
<agropyron> Or should I say, this candle's penis is too short.
<taz> ah! nice staying-on-theme!
=-= dodgygeezer has changed the topic to ``metapenis penised your penis
<mudpuppie> they make special tools for candles like that.
<agropyron> ok, carpet-cleaner man is here
<agropyron> got to go
<taz> strap-on wicks.
<mudpuppie> penis
<agropyron> penis!
|<-- agropyron has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: )
<dodgygeezer> have fun cleaning
<taz> penis
<dodgygeezer> too late
<taz> too little.
<mudpuppie> now i want someone else to show up so we can greet them.
<dodgygeezer> that's not true! the spammers are liars!!!!
<taz> spammers know all our shortcomings.
<dodgygeezer> apparently my mortgage rate is not as low as it could be
<taz> did I ever tell you my favorite spam line?
<mudpuppie> penis?
<taz> "attract men with bigger breasts"
<taz> hoho.
<mudpuppie> oh, like my uncle!
<taz> true spam.
<taz> Yes! penis.
=-= dodgygeezer has changed the topic to ``Meet the nawtyest babes looking to hook up
<dodgygeezer> that was a subject from a recent spam
<taz> there's something titillating about "nawtyest". They're so naughty that it needs a whole new spelling.
<mudpuppie> nawtey hawties
=-= dodgygeezer has changed the topic to ``Bill Clinton uses VAlGRA
<taz> and cigars.
<taz> penis.
<mudpuppie> penis
<dodgygeezer> it increases your vagueness apparently
<taz> or your vagrancy level. Now you can be vagrant all night!!!
<taz> penis.
<dodgygeezer> i'd love to have been at that meeting
<dodgygeezer> "who's the most virile man in the world? i know: bill clinton!!!"
<dodgygeezer> notice it doesn't say GW Bush.
<mudpuppie> yeah, spammer meetings must rule.
<dodgygeezer> Dubya must be pissed about that
<mudpuppie> penised
<taz> attract presidents with bigger breasts!
<dodgygeezer> yeah, we need a large breasted president to reunite the country
<mudpuppie> taz, let's start a metachat version of 50 sad chairs. what random thing can we photograph lots of?
<mudpuppie> please, no penis
<dodgygeezer> "I didagree strongly with his view however his breasts are magnificent"
<taz> yes, I want to do something like that. penis.
<dodgygeezer> 50 sad penises
<taz> hee.
<taz> I think we start at MetaTalk.
<mudpuppie> many sad penises there
<dodgygeezer> metatalk is busier than askme these days
<taz> people go nuts when bad things happen... and start eating each other.
<mudpuppie> um, penis
<taz> penis.
<dodgygeezer> eating each other? obviously i'm missing the fun
* taz sprinkles dodgy with salt and pepper
<taz> I bet you were wondering about the "sprinkles", eh?
<dodgygeezer> kinky beast
<dodgygeezer> and i'm sure salt and pepper is some kid of euthamism
* taz glares at dodgy, brings out chopsticks
<dodgygeezer> where's the damn spell checker on this thing!
<taz> heh. nice. It's like a euphemism that commits suicide!
<mudpuppie> 'euthamism' -- another word for death?
<mudpuppie> heh. penis.
<taz> penis.
<dodgygeezer> peenas
<taz> Bill Clinton has the biggest peenas.
<mudpuppie> there's an indian restaurant in berkeley called khana peena
<taz> ghee, that's great!
<taz> ghee? get it? penis.
<mudpuppie> ghee!
<mudpuppie> penis butter.
<taz> !!!
<taz> ew.
<taz> hey, though. I could really go for a penisbutter sandwich right now.
<taz> crunchy or smooth?
*mudpuppie changes subject
<taz> crunchy then.
<mudpuppie> choosey moms chose jif
<mudpuppie> choose
<mudpuppie> choose
<taz> penis.
<mudpuppie> you know, look at choose for a while and it looks really funny. like a nonword
<mudpuppie> penis
<mudpuppie> choose
* dodgygeezer slams his dick in the fridge door
<mudpuppie> dodgy!
<taz> that's gotta hurt.
<mudpuppie> penis masochist
<taz> penochist.
<dodgygeezer> uh, i'm just testing the seal
<taz> no pets!
<dodgygeezer> it's perfectly normal
*mudpuppie would like to have a pet seal
<mudpuppie> except for the fish smell...
<taz> you have to have a really big refrigerator.
<mudpuppie> or a really small seal
<taz> attract men with bigger refrigerators!
<dodgygeezer> or live in scotland
<dodgygeezer> i'd recommend the big fridge
<taz> ooh. mean.
<mudpuppie> i didn't get the scottish joke...
<taz> what's wrong with scotland? penis.
<mudpuppie> yes. penis is definitely what's wrong with scotland.
<taz> see? We have a novel shaping up already!
<taz> we have the scotland angle...
<taz> we have the penis angle..
<taz> and seals.
<mudpuppie> every good novel needs a scotland angle
<mudpuppie> penis angel
<taz> sounds just like an Irving novel.
<dodgygeezer> penis from heaven
<mudpuppie> or pynchon, maybe
<taz> ack!!!!!
<taz> you guys are keeling me.
<mudpuppie> when i was a kid, we used to put penis on the railroad tracks.
<taz> that sounds like something dodgy would do.
* dodgygeezer crosses legs
<mudpuppie> my cat looked at me funny because i was laughing so hard.
<mudpuppie> then she went back to licking herself
<taz> my husband is looking at me that way.
-->| Guest28 (~ircuser@60FF1E7.EAA5F97A.6B6679F3.IP) has joined #metachat
<mudpuppie> penis
* dodgygeezer licks himself
<taz> then he went back to licking himself.
<taz> penis!
<mudpuppie> penis, guest28
-->| muddgirl (~ircuser@cloak-FA8C9DE.ac.hmc.edu) has joined #metachat
<mudpuppie> how'd guest28 get such a low user number?
<mudpuppie> penis, muddgirl!
<taz> penis, muddgirl!
<muddgirl> ummm...does that make me the vagina?
<taz> yay!
<mudpuppie> finally!
=-= Guest28 is now known as teece
<taz> this chat has been filled with penis, and bill clinton, and seals
<mudpuppie> penis, teece
<muddgirl> ah
<mudpuppie> you forgot scotland!
<teece> cock, mudpuppie
<mudpuppie> no, penis.
<taz> oh, yes! also scotland.
<muddgirl> mmm...scotland
<teece> I prefer the anglo-saxon
<taz> and men with big breasts.
<mudpuppie> penis!
* dodgygeezer buggers off to make tea
<mudpuppie> watch out for the fridge, dodgy
<taz> pregnant pause.
<taz> penis.
<mudpuppie> pregnant penis
<muddgirl> damn, i wurz gonna axe dodgy a question
<taz> now that's a mental image.
<mudpuppie> he'll be back. and he'll bring tea.
<teece> do you think it will be earl grey?
<mudpuppie> oh, i hope so.
<taz> or duke of earl grey.
|<-- teece has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: Leaving)
<mudpuppie> duke duke duke, duke of earl earl earl
<mudpuppie> penis
<taz> how rude! leaving without a penis!
<mudpuppie> yeah!
*mudpuppie moves left-behind penis aside with distaste
* taz covers it with a doily
<mudpuppie> thanks. ew.
<taz> doily. penis.
<mudpuppie> penis doily
<mudpuppie> little grannies everywhere, knitting penis doilies
<taz> Well, hello doily!
<mudpuppie> in their rocking chairs
<taz> it's so nice to have you back where you belong!
*mudpuppie tries to think of song lyrics
*mudpuppie can only come up with she-boopy
<taz> okay, then, back to proverbs.
<mudpuppie> or "Shipoopi", apparently
<taz> A penis saved is a penis earned.
<mudpuppie> a stitch in penis saves.... no, that doesn't work
<taz> and is also rather painful.
<mudpuppie> a penis in the hand is worth.... no, that doesn't work either
<muddgirl> a penis rock gathers no...damn
<taz> true. Every penis has a silver...
<mudpuppie> never look a gift penis in the mouth?
<taz> good one!
<taz> just damned good sense, really.
<mudpuppie> sort of a no-brainer
* dodgygeezer slurps tea
<taz> penis, dodgy!
* dodgygeezer slurps penis
<muddgirl> dodgypenis!
<mudpuppie> penis, dodgy!
<taz> okay, woohoo, it's getting windy and a teeny bit chilly... yay! So now, I'll go get some more coffee. be right back. penis.
<mudpuppie> penis
<muddgirl> uhhh...I had my first cuppa today after giving it up for over a month. It was heavenly
<mudpuppie> ah yes, nothing like the first cup.
<mudpuppie> penis.
<muddgirl> yess..nothing like the first penis
* dodgygeezer looks for his second penis
<mudpuppie> don't get greedy, dodgy
* dodgygeezer sees it under the table
* dodgygeezer realises that's the sausage he lost last week
* muddgirl steals the sausage and penises it
<mudpuppie> don't eat it dodgy, it's probably rotten!
<dodgygeezer> i hate to see a good sausage penised
* taz slurps coffee. penis.
<mudpuppie> penis, taz
<taz> okay, I've got one... What did humphrey bogart say to ingrid bergman?
-->| greasyskillet (~greasy@cloak-D65650F9.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) has joined #metachat
<greasyskillet> hay guys!
<taz> hey, greasy!!!
<dodgygeezer> come to see your name in lights?
<greasyskillet> heh
<mudpuppie> penis, greasy!
<taz> penis, greasy.
<greasyskillet> penis.
=-= greasyskillet is now known as Guest1050362530
<muddgirl> greasy, penis
<Guest1050362530> goddamn it
=-= Guest1050362530 is now known as greasy
<greasy> jesus
<mudpuppie> no, penis
<taz> eesh.
<taz> why don't I see you on the list?
<greasy> cause i'm not logged in
<mudpuppie> he's using the dodgy method
<greasy> brb
<--| greasy has left #metachat
<taz> ah.
<taz> so, who knows the answer to my question?
-->| greasyskillet_ (~greasy@cloak-D65650F9.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com) has joined #metachat
<taz> there you go!
<mudpuppie> what was the question?
<taz> What did humphrey bogart say to ingrid bergman?
<greasyskillet_> penis
<mudpuppie> penis, shweetheart
<taz> "We'll always have Penis."
<muddgirl> ha!
* taz cues laughtrack
<taz> it worked!
<greasyskillet_> what's with all the cock talk
<taz> it's John Irving's fault.
<taz> show him, puppie
<mudpuppie> penis penis penis-penis, little guy
*mudpuppie scrolls up...
<mudpuppie> http://www.theage.com.au/news/reviews/until-i-find-you/2005/09/08/1125772645164.html?oneclick=true
=-= greasyskillet_ is now known as greasyskillet
<greasyskillet> i forgot my password
<greasyskillet> oh no i didn't
<muddgirl> that's a funny funny review
<mudpuppie> penis
<muddgirl> that's a penis penis review
<taz> penis.
<greasyskillet> 45 minutes and i can start drinking
<greasyskillet> fyi
<taz> are you at work?
<greasyskillet> yes
<taz> penis.
<greasyskillet> exactly
<muddgirl> "It feels like we've been dicked around" this reviewer is pure comedy penis
<mudpuppie> i actually didn't read beyond the first graf.
*mudpuppie goes to read review
<greasyskillet> so you have to have an account to read that reveiw?
<taz> try latimes/latimes
<greasyskillet> thanks
<greasyskillet> penis
<taz> mudpuppie, you need to post this to mecha. it's a penis-penis review, as muddgirl says.
<mudpuppie> ok.
*mudpuppie finishes reading...
<mudpuppie> heh. "On the upside, what the book loses in thematic shortcomings it makes up for in stylistic inadequacy"
<greasyskillet> how do i change my mode to +i
<greasyskillet> er, -i
=-= Mode #metachat +o greasyskillet by taz
<greasyskillet> oh shit
<taz> i don't know about i
<taz> shit?
=-= Mode #metachat +o muddgirl by taz
<greasyskillet> i think i don't show up cause i'm +i
[INFO] No such nick/channel
<taz> you are showing up now.
<greasyskillet> hmm
<taz> oh, not on the front page...
<taz> I see.
<taz> dodgygeezer?
<dodgygeezer> you need to type /mode greasyskillet -i
<taz> do you know about this?
<greasyskillet> thanks dodgy
<mudpuppie> taz, you say the latimes login works at the age?
<mudpuppie> latimes/latimes
<taz> worked for me
<mudpuppie> cool.
<greasyskillet> me too
<dodgygeezer> yay!
<mudpuppie> penis
<taz> welcome to the front page, greasy. penis.
<greasyskillet> penis!
<mudpuppie> somebody's been in the penis butter again...
=-= greasyskillet is now known as greasypenis
<taz> yay!
<taz> too funny. It also shows the same on the front page.
<dodgygeezer> mum! there's a greasypenis on the front page!!!
<greasypenis> ha ha!
<taz> lol. penis.
=-= YOU are now known as mudpenis
<taz> okay, how do I do that?
<mudpenis> type "/nick newnick"
<dodgygeezer> type /nick newname
<mudpenis> no quotes
=-= taz is now known as tazpenis
<mudpenis> aw, we went away.
=-= dodgygeezer is now known as dickygonads
<mudpenis> dodgy? fix!
=-= User mode for mudpenis is now -i
<mudpenis> ah, got it.
<mudpenis> taz: /mode tazpenis -i
<tazpenis> why mudpenis, you sling a good mode!
<mudpenis> penis
<tazpenis> but... nope I'm still not there. penis.
<mudpenis> you have to type the above
<mudpenis> go on, type it!
<tazpenis> arr!
-->| cmonkey (~matt@cloak-A2D14855.ciphermonkeys.org) has joined #metachat
<mudpenis> with your penis!
<mudpenis> monkey penis!
<cmonkey> hello
<mudpenis> penis right back atcha
<tazpenis> penis, cmonkey!
<cmonkey> A lot of the dangly bits around here
<dickygonads> it's all happening
<tazpenis> you should have seen it before dodgy slammed his in the fridge.
<greasypenis> cmonkey
<mudpenis> the seal laughed at him. arf arf.
<cmonkey> Jokes? I don't get jokes
<mudpenis> penis.
<tazpenis> This is *no* joke!
<tazpenis> penis.
=-= dickygonads has changed the topic to ``Bill Clinton uses VAlGRA || you won't be on the list unless you type: /mode yourname -i
<mudpenis> indeed.
<mudpenis> dicky, that sounds like something my mother would have said. "you won't be on the list unless you..."
<greasypenis> PENIS
<tazpenis> would you jump off the side of a penis just because all your friends did?
<dickygonads> "muddgirl, you won't be on the list unless you slam your penis in the fridge door"
<mudpenis> consistency is the hobgoblin of little penises
<tazpenis> perfect!
<cmonkey> What list? Does it involve free ipod referrals?
<tazpenis> I never met a penis I didn't like.
<greasypenis> o_o
<mudpenis> find a penis, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck
<tazpenis> it's a penis, wrapped in a mystery, insdie an enigma.
<mudpenis> a penis wrap!
<mudpenis> on a doily!
<tazpenis> with penisbutter!
<greasypenis> speak softly and carry a big penis
<mudpenis> there's no such thing as a free penis
<greasypenis> a good penis is hard to find
<tazpenis> if you can't stand the penis, get out of the kitchen.
<mudpenis> where there's smoke, there's penis
<greasypenis> don't throw the penis out with the bathwater
<cmonkey> how many licks does it take to get to the centre of a penis?
<cmonkey> no, wait
<mudpenis> iconomy's twisted: "The review is horrible, but I can't wait to read this book. Love John Iriving!"
<tazpenis> Those who cannot remember the penis are condemned to repeat it.
<mudpenis> ask not what you can do for your penis...
<mudpenis> wait, that should be "ask not what your penis can do for you."
<tazpenis> you're either part of the penis, or you're part of the solution.
<mudpenis> penis is the better part of valor
<tazpenis> I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by penis.
<mudpenis> um, don't eat the brown penis?
<greasypenis> penis in an unregulated state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
<dickygonads> PENIS IN OUR TIME!
<mudpenis> nature abhors a penis
<mudpenis> and penis abhors a vacuum
<tazpenis> You can fool all the penis some of the time, and some of the penis all the time...
<greasypenis> there's a penis born every minute
<mudpenis> i regret that i have but one penis to give for my country
<tazpenis> how could we have overlooked "the penis is mightier than the sword"?
<tazpenis> the penis mightier than the sword.
<mudpenis> penis!
<tazpenis> The medium is the penis.
<mudpenis> the penis is the message
<tazpenis> it certainly is around here.
<mudpenis> there is no penis there
<tazpenis> gertrude stein would really say that.
<tazpenis> penis.
<mudpenis> she would. penis.
<greasypenis> also, penis.
<mudpenis> oh, right. forgot.
<tazpenis> Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent penis.
<mudpenis> what penis through yonder window breaks?
<tazpenis> owie!
<dickygonads> either that penis goes or i do - oscar wilde
<tazpenis> The importance of being Penis.
<mudpenis> the incredible lightness of penis
<greasypenis> hhe
<mudpenis> slaughterhouse penis?
<dickygonads> crime and penisment
<tazpenis> ah, yes! Breakfast of Champenis.
<greasypenis> better to burn out, than to penis
<mudpenis> penis karenina
-->| marble (~biteme@cloak-CCF0ACE1.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #metachat
<mudpenis> penis, marble
<greasypenis> marble.
<greasypenis> btw, penis
<tazpenis> A Room with a Penis. -E.M. Forster
<tazpenis> Penis, marble!
<marble> penis?
<mudpenis> a passage to penis, also forster
<marble> uh, I don't have a penis
<mudpenis> that's okay. we have an extra.
<greasypenis> would you like one?
<marble> no, I don't want a penis. they look weird.
<marble> plus they usually come with testicles and I really really don't want testicles
<mudpenis> tentacles -- now those would be cool.
<mudpenis> penis
<marble> well a penis is sort of like a tentacle
<mudpenis> sgt penis' lonely hearts club band
<greasypenis> i am the penis
<tazpenis> Moby Dick. Oliver Twist.[insert penises at will]
<mudpenis> penis in the sky with diamonds
<dickygonads> penisday, all my troubles seemed so far away
<tazpenis> I'm too sexy for my penis
<mudpenis> can't buy me penis
<greasypenis> her name is penis and she dances on the sand
<tazpenis> Penis and prejudice. -Austin.
<mudpenis> of mice and penis -- steinbeck
<dickygonads> the merchant of penis - willy shakespeare
<dickygonads> do i win?
<tazpenis> penis!!!
<mudpenis> penis, dicky!
<mudpenis> a midsummer night's penis
<mudpenis> (go down moses -- willy faulkner)
<greasypenis> as i lay penis
<mudpenis> the penis of lot 49
<greasypenis> gravity's penis
<mudpenis> west side penis
<dickygonads> watership penis
<marble> oh geez
<marble> I thought this was #tapes
<mudpenis> annie get your penis
<dickygonads> nah, they're talking about vaginas over there
<marble> I'm going to get my kid in a few
<greasypenis> i can't follow that statement with penis
<mudpenis> i can. penis.
<marble> GOOG up today. almost back to $300 now. w00t
<greasypenis> check PENI
-->| FunkyHelix (~chatzilla@cloak-CFF35679.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #metachat
<dickygonads> funkypenis
<tazpenis> penis, funkyhelix!
<mudpenis> penis, funkyhelix
<FunkyHelix> Heh. I saw on the page the room wad full of dicks, so I thought I'd some in and see for myself. :)
<greasypenis> yeah this is where all the dicks hang out
<marble> everything's coming up penis in here today it seems
<tazpenis> wad full of dicks!
<mudpenis> the good, the bad, and the penis
<tazpenis> Five Easy Penises
<tazpenis> I think I just took away dodgy's star
<mudpenis> penistown
<greasypenis> anyway, it's been fun. penis.
<dickygonads> we've gone off half-cocked
|<-- greasypenis has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.68a [Firefox 1.0.6/20050716])
<tazpenis> aw. greasy left too fast for me to penis him.
<mudpenis> belated penis, greasy
* dickygonads waves his penis at greasy
<mudpenis> funkyhelix, type /mode funkyhelix -i
|<-- cmonkey has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: speaking of penises)
<dickygonads> cmonkey has gone off to shake hands with his penis
<FunkyHelix> Okay. I'm sorry. I haven't used IRC in a while. I'm currently chat retarded.
<mudpenis> penis.
<tazpenis> penis, everybody... The steak post is making me hungry, so I guess I'll go eat something.
<mudpenis> penis, taz.
<mudpenis> until next penis
<tazpenis> don't let the bedpenises bite... bye!!!!
|<-- tazpenis has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.5/20050511])
<mudpenis> there goes the best penis a girl could have.
-->| mischief (mischief@cloak-E1C966FF.lvgs.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #metachat
<dickygonads> where have all the penises gone?
<mischief> limp
<mudpenis> #metachat -- now penis free!
=-= YOU are now known as mudpuppie
<mudpuppie> hi, mischief
<mischief> hi mudpuppie
=-= dickygonads is now known as dodgygeezer
<mischief> hmm, i guess the online excitement has died down for the day
<mischief> time to eat a salad and get ready to go out for the evening
<mudpuppie> bye mischief.
|<-- muddgirl has left irc.slashnet.org (Quit: Leaving)
<FunkyHelix> Oops. Missed her. Was pulling my son off a shelf.
<mudpuppie> that's a nifty place to store him, funky
<FunkyHelix> Phfft. I wish it were that easy some days.
<mudpuppie> well, i must go put clothes on and prepare to be out in the world. happy friday, all.
<FunkyHelix> You too
<mudpuppie> don't let the fridge slam on your penis, dodgy.

penis can pop up in unlikely places