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08 July 2016
Friday question NOT from the Book of Questions So, what's your idea of fun? (As in, something that makes you think, "This s fun!")
I tend to have this thought when riding a rollercoaster with my husband (or generally tooling around fairgrounds with him) and when I am on boat rides.
A new adventure with other people outdoors. Like, boating, whitewater rafting, exploring a new place. I went to an ag fair today and at one point I misheard someone saying "come up and get your tickets to drive a new tractor!" And I was like oh, wow, I totally want to drive a tractor! They weren't really doing it; I misheard. But something novel like that, an exciting unusual opportunity to do something physical in the world, is what is fun for me.
Interacting with animals - taking my dogs for a walk, playing with my cats, hanging out at the children's areas at zoos, the little 'pet a stingray' pools some aquariums have, etc.
Bird watching..even if it takes me forever to finally get a decent picture of whatever bird has caught my attention. And spending time just walking in nature. And reading really old tombstones. All kinds of fun, to me.
Yeah, jouke, just indulging a little self-pity is all. Turning 50 on Thursday and no special plans. (Jon has to work, and my family seems to have forgotten me; of course, my mom turns 101 later this month, so I certainly don't blame her. Plus Jon and I are going on a cruise in August, when he has vacation time, so boo-hoo, right?)
You youngster, Pip. Rejoice on entering the era of wisdom and continued mobility, and of course do something tomorrow that makes you think, This is Fun!
Also, Senyar, I see you have a Fatal Flaw. And here I thought you were perfect.
Thanks, bearwife. Actually, due to some procrastination on my part and available appointment times, I get to go to the DMV to renew my driver's license tomorrow (it expires on my birthday), which I find hilarious. Shouldn't take long, though, with the appointment, and I did get a spiffy new pair of glasses yesterday, so hopefully I can pass the eye exam (I only have one fully functioning eye, since the mini-stroke last fall, and it needed new glasses, so, fingers crossed).