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Can't quite name that tune or the tune-maker, but 14 years ago, on the Blue, I made the most embarrassing post of my internet life: "Blonder Tongue Laboratories: Blonder Tongue?!?!?". Thanks for bringing back THAT piece of antibiotic-resistant nostalgia...
I'd prefer you guys just yelling "READING COMPREHENSION IS NOT A PERSONAL PRIORITY" rather than deciding I must have posted a thing without the knowing what it was, cuz, shucks, wacky!
Holy crapshack, it does not say, "Who is this?" or "How does this apply to your life?" but the response does remind me of this aimlessly weird story I do not remember that culminated in someone doing something with their forearm, to which I responded, "Her forearm?" and the teller said, "That's this part of the arm." Because who ever heard of a forearm? That's so arcane and technical.
Then I had to explain rhetorical emphasis and that most people at the time even in their late teens knew what forearms were. And that was as interesting as that person ever got as I don't find tantrums interesting, though her reasons for them were novel to me.