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27 February 2015

Published, but unacknowledged I spent the last half of last year on a writing project and it was finally published :-) Because of policy reasons, I don't get acknowledged as author, but I guess I can take comfort in knowing that I did it :-([More:]There's also a Web version here, although I'm not very happy with the way that has been put together.

It's odd that, as someone who is a big fan of digital over print for reference material, I really like the feel of holding the print version (the .pdf is a version of the source for the 'proper' printed version).

The reason this is version 1.1 is that it was actually printed in a 'pre-press' version without the proper design and with some (oh, so many) typos and minor corrections needed. This was because we needed printed copies for a series of workshops we ran around the country in November and the set of standards it is written about were only finalised a couple of weeks before the workshops, way too late to meet design and printing deadlines.

Although I couldn't be 'officially' listed as the author, my boss publicly praised the work I had done in creating the guide at all the workshops, which was pretty cool.
post by: dg at: 08:27 | 6 comments
Yay! Congrats!

I'm in the same boat sometimes. I feel you.
posted by Madamina 27 February | 16:17
Congratulations, dg. It is so great to see a long effort come to fruition, and yes, there is something about the tangible reality of work. It's a great day, and I'm sure people are aware of your contributions even though authorship doesn't specify. Way to go, finishing a big long project and creating something useful.
posted by Miko 28 February | 23:39
Also, sometimes when you bust butt on a long challenging project the end of it seems like a letdown - especially if you don't get credit for your accomplishment.

Go out and celebrate! You earned it and you can even invite other people. People like the chance to celebrate positive things and this is one of them.

Be proud and party!
posted by mightshould 02 March | 12:02
Very nice work! Good for you.
posted by bearwife 02 March | 16:30
Good for you! That has to be a great feeling of accomplishment.
posted by redvixen 03 March | 17:37
Thanks all. I'm a bit proud of myself, to be honest. Regardless of formal acknowledgement, it's nice to know I can actually do something like this.

Autographed copies are available on request ;-)
posted by dg 04 March | 04:42
Photo Friday: Things That Look Like Faces || Friday Question from the Book of Questions