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Comment Feed:


08 April 2013

Science proves women like men with bigger penises. Now we can put that one to bed...
Bigger penes? What about more? I've got like a truckload of em out back.
posted by Eideteker 08 April | 21:55
Every time it rains, it rains penes from heaven.
posted by fleacircus 09 April | 02:48
I hope that one day science will prove something that actually plays in my favour :-(
posted by dg 09 April | 03:34
Today I became just a little bit more glad that I no longer write for (where my punniest tv article was a 'front page feature' for them in 2006)
posted by oneswellfoop 09 April | 03:44
The sexiest man I ever knew had the tiniest penis I've ever seen.

The best shag I ever had was with a man who has the biggest penis I've ever seen.
posted by Senyar 09 April | 05:20
I was teaching a math class yesterday and a guy sitting in the back asks me a question:

"Do you prefer nice girls or bitches?"

Of course the entire class giggles at this. This was really a few minutes before class started so he wasn't interrupting anything and he was not being hostile but trying to bond with me. Of course it didn't help that when I taught them how to solve inequalities like "7 <= 3x+4 < 19" I referred to them as threesomes. It also helps to understand that the guy and maybe 90% of the class is Black/Hispanic and all of them are at least 40 years younger than white me. I noticed that he was reading a paperback "Why Men Don't Like Nice Girls but Choose Bad Bitches." This isn't the exact title (despite my putting it in quotes) and I just googled and couldn't find it among the enormous list of books on this particular subject.

I asked him if he was reading that to learn who he should like but he said it wasn't his but Mary's (sitting next to him.) I told him that our class wasn't advanced enough for that particular topic and that such books were written to sell to nice girls who were worried about their dating prospects.

I just hope no one wants to discuss the mathematics of penis size next class.
posted by Obscure Reference 09 April | 07:26
Any guy that has told me he has a large penis has either never seen a large penis or is lying. Let's not even start with how awkwardly it is inserted in...

...the conversation.
Who thought I'd go with intercourse?
posted by ethylene 09 April | 17:32
I can't imagine the conversation where that would come up.
posted by octothorpe 10 April | 08:58
I checked out a porn for gay men site once...maybe big is fine, but oversize ones just made me feel sorry for these otherwise good looking guys with this unfortunate deformity.
posted by serena 11 April | 07:33
What do you skip when you're running late for work? || Ferrets go nuts for packing peanuts.