Catch up on LOTS of tv-- thar be spoilers ahoy! Walking Dead, Downton Abbey, maybe Fringe, nothing is safe, really
→[More:] so, I have been trying to see lots of everything since I realized just how much stuff I hadn't seen that was surprisingly good, most of that in the comedy area, from Bob's Burgers to Parks & Rec [I now find the show oddly comforting, that first season I would not have believed it.]
But first I have to get this WD stuff off my chest. My main motivation with it has been watching it with a friend over too much wine and cheese, critiquing zombie make up and cheering when T-Dogg gets a line, and generally yelling at how bad these people are at post-apocalyptic living. Between this and that we haven't been able to coordinate this season, so I just caught up, and while I have to say it started off as a vast improvement, two things top the list of my issues with this show:
1. Are they seriously swapping out black guys? First, it's like, hey, we have a new black guy! Now we can kill off the undeveloped, barely used old black guy!
And then as soon as a new black guy shows up, the kill the still new, barely used black guy. It's so bad, it's comical, but this is my big issue--
2. Where is half the population of Chocolate City?! Unless Georgia has changed drastically since I was last there, a mess of black people were kidnapped by aliens before this disease struck.
Now, after they dispatched T-Dogg [yes, they named him T-Dogg] I did note a handful of African-American zombies, and there have been actual African-American bit players as well as the mandatory casting of an important, beloved African-American character from the comic that I was seriously hoping heralded where they have been hiding the rest, but, cripes, people have the nerve to complain that it's unrealistic that four privileged white girls would be friends in NYC on
Girls as soon as it starts, and 3 seasons in, they can't employ more black actors just to be zombies? When the little people community gets upset every time possible little person casting dissolves and cites another bunch of relevant examples.
I know a lot of people don't really care about accuracy, realistic logic or facts in their entertainment, that bugged me about
Fringe until I realized how little they cared about lots of things and apparently putting up with this Abrams guy means this is really the least of the issues, but I really love it when people do bother to incorporate such things. Hell, a big part of why I loved the first
Hellboy was because of the crazy attention to detail, like making all the museum pieces in the background actual, relevant, recognizably accurate artifacts. But, I digress. Still, what a lot of wasted opportunities, and I don't just mean to add a little learnin', but artistic ones: choices, character development, frilly freaking plot--
There is choosing not to care about things as a "stylistic choice," like, say, the movie salad that was the first season of American Horror Story-- that thing was an unapologetic mess but, by god, it was entertaining, you didn't need an attention span or a working brain cell-- but there is a lot of what just looks like sloppiness and careless writing out there.