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01 June 2012
What aren't you doing this weekend? This is the post where you post your completely made-up weekend plans. Again.
Tonight, I plan to black out at some point and wake up poking out of a limo sunroof, with no idea how I got there and no memory of anything that happened after I hit "post" on this comment.
Tomorrow, I'll remember just how I got into the limo and why, and, as a result, I'll hop on my motorcycle and ride off, never to return. At least not until I've visited every National Park there is (or ever was).
In my beautiful lithe body, wearing the most perfect bikini, I'll be lounging on a float that's tethered in the water, covered by a sunshade, and cooled by a water mister; gently rocking as the waves lap upon the shore.
A steady supply of slushy beverages and chilled fruit will be within reach as my private music ensemble plays lovely tunes to match the tropical island mood.
I'll be on some sparkly and beautiful beach being fed wonderfully delicious fruity frozen alcoholic beverages by pretty people that have little umbrellas on top.
Do the pretty people have little umbrellas on top? Very stylish!
I'm planning a secret guerrilla mission to plant stink bombs at a meeting of the World's Most Elite and Powerful People, but I can't decide which one... Bilderberg or MaxFunCom?
I will be a good loyal subject and party in celebration of Her Glorious Majesty who has never put a foot wrong in 60 Glorious Years and ain't she wonderful?
(Bah humbug. But I am taking advantage of the long weekend and will rest and attend birthday parties).
I will not make a piñata of a giant Union Jack for hours for a work barbecue that later gets rained out. I will not have a sinus infection. It will be Friday morning again. Gah.