Good news/Bad news →[More:]I've had some of both this weekend.
Good news: My busy friend had time for a hike with me yesterday morning.
Bad news: I slipped and hurt my ankle on our hike and we had to turn back.
GN: We had time for coffee (we normally don't because our hike takes up all the available time she has).
BN: The cookie we had with coffee was not very good - and I rarely meet a cookie I don't like.
GN: This is Canada so I can have my ankle checked out for free at the hospital emergency department.
BN: This is Canada so it took 4 hours of waiting to find out it wasn't fractured and will just heal in time.
GN: It's NOT fractured!
BN: The doc said I can't run for a while.
GN: I've never been able to run so who cares?!
BN: I also can't go on my usual 20km exercise/hikes for a while.
M(ore) BN: my ankle hurts! Sorry for whining - I'm not used to hurting. It's not much fun.
So, how 'bout everyone else? Any good news/bad news?