This is definitely in my top ten list of most surreal internet moments I've ever had A little while back I posted that the Onion's "Jean Teasdale" had gotten a Twitter account to promote her book, and commented that I "hoped she wouldn't do it forever because it was almost too much, like having Christmas every day".
Then yesterday I saw she'd twittered these messages:
Some1 on MetaFilter discovered my Twitter acct & it said (I don't know if user was male or female)...
3:46 PM Oct 1st via web hoped I wouldnt tweet 4ever bc it would be like Xmas every day! That is soooooo sweet! Thx 2 MetaFilter user!!!!!!
3:47 PM Oct 1st via web
I emailed a friend, who is also a big Jean follower (as in, we've seriously discussed Jean's menstrual cycle) and he said it made his head explode.