I Got a New (Old) Filecabinet →[More:] Filecabinets today suck. They're either paper-thin and dent from your fingertips or they're a million pounds and fireproof, waterproof, and bombproof. They literally don't make em like they used to.
So, I've spent the week cleaning out my father's files. Something I've been meaning to do since he died last year. Dad was a hoarder of information. He had files on everyone or everything. Old newspaper articles, funeral programs, birth announcements, random ephemera. But the information within was valuable only to him.
And so...the purge.
I've kept the 5% of files that are interesting to me or my siblings, but the best thing I got out of the purge was this file. It's beat up and ugly, but it's solid. Three letter-sized cabinets on the left, and on the right, a cabinet with two shelves and a safe (that I don't have the combination to).
It's light enough for me to move on my own (but barely) but heavy enough to feel substantial.
I like my new old filecabinet.