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Comment Feed:


22 July 2010

Photo Friday Advance? I haven't seen/heard any discussion for Photo Friday yet: Is there someplace it's being discussed? If it's fallen through the cracks this week, I'll be happy to pull a theme from my deep reservoir (ha), or we can discuss it here.

(I'll be out for a few hours: meeting up with Stewriffic and DC)
Looks like there's not one yet this week, pjern- thanks for catching that! Let us know before ya head out for the evening, if you can. :)
posted by BoringPostcards 22 July | 17:20
Is there a master-list of themes?

Either way, I'll throw out "It's what's for dinner" (prepared food / live cows / things of those sorts).
posted by filthy light thief 22 July | 17:23
Iconomy brought up the MySpace Face theme we did in 2006, but that might require more notice.
posted by youngergirl44 22 July | 17:59
I'm thinking something that could be done more easily on short notice- perhaps pets or family members....
posted by pjern 22 July | 21:09
There's a sort of master list.

The 'three picture story' might be neat.
posted by Kronos_to_Earth 22 July | 21:19
The 'three picture story' might be neat.

I agree, but think it might need more notice.

Thinking about Music, and Creepy right now.
posted by pjern 22 July | 21:34
This being a late-on-Thursday pick, I'd say pick one of those that people don't have to go out and take especially for this Photo Friday.
posted by BoringPostcards 22 July | 21:36
Also, it's almost lunchtime on Friday in some parts of MeCha world. Just sayin'. :)

You should probably go ahead and post the Photo Friday thread itself once you have the theme.
posted by BoringPostcards 22 July | 21:39
I think go with either music or creepy. Given that it's already Friday here, unless someone does so in the next 30 minutes or so, I'll pick one and start the ball rolling.
posted by dg 22 July | 21:54
I'm leaning towards Music at the moment, simply because of its universality. Feedback?
posted by pjern 22 July | 22:02
I was going to wait till 12:01 server time. I'm anal like that.
posted by pjern 22 July | 22:03
Music sounds good - because it's already Friday afternoon here, I'll start it off.
posted by dg 22 July | 22:05
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