Láadan is an artificial
language created for women by
by Suzette Haden Elgin. Some words:
- ab: love for one liked but not respected
- áazh: love for one sexually desired at some time but not now
- nithedimethóo: refrigerator guest, a guest who shows up unannounced, comes on in and helps herself to whatever's in the 'fridge -- and that's a good thing
- radíidin: non-holiday, a time allegedly a holiday but actually so much a burden because of work and preparations that it is a dreaded occasion; especially when there are too many guests and none of them help.
- raduth: to non-use, to deliberately deprive someone of any useful function in the world, as in enforced retirement or when a human being is kept as a plaything or a pet
- ramimelh: to refrain from asking, with evil intent; especially when it is clear that someone badly wants the other to ask.
- ranem: non-pearl, an ugly resentment or situation which worsens & festers, an ugly thing one builds layer by layer as an oyster does a pearl, such as a festering hatred to which one pays attention
- rashida: non-game, a cruel "playing" that is a game only for the dominant "players" with the power to force others to participate
- rathóo: non-guest; someone who comes to visit knowing that they are intruding or causing problems.
- óoyasháal: time of greatest energy each day
- wonewith: to be socially dyslexic; uncomprehending of the social signals of others
The grammar is interesting too. It requires that every sentence has a marker for whether the act is statement, question, command, request, promise or warning; and whether it is performed neutrally, in anger, in pain, in love, in celebration, in fear, in jest, in narrative or in teaching.
So, you can never say something hurtful and then follow it up with "I was only kidding", since if you were kidding you would have used the in jest marker.
I also notice that you could never say "I thought you were just making an observation that the rubbish bin was full": that would have been obvious from whether the statement or command marker was used.