Advice on drama-riffic situation? Thinking about calling up my mom and Getting Some Things Off My Chest. Is this a Bad Idea? Any advice from people who've dealt with similar?
"Short" deets:
Ever hear the phrase "red-headed stepchild?" That was me, literally*, although I was too young and too close to the situation to appreciate the eponymetaphoricalism. Got through a fairly oppressive and mind-fuck-filled upbringing; finished high school with highest SAT scores in class and successful appearance on Teen Jeopardy - I was a punk rocker but not a useless fuckup. A year later I get cut off from college funding by my poverty-pleading folks (who were at the time trying to send my younger half-brother to prep school) with the reasoning that I was studying the arts, which wouldn't ever make me any money.
Fast forward 15 or so years and I'm a few credits short of a BA (impossible to get financial aid when your family's got dough), have ruinous health problems that've recently qualified me for SSDI (I've probably been qualified for a long time but was raised to shun "handouts"), "summer teeth," and a well-honed sense of resentment that's made me a compassionate vegetarian socialist who roots for underdogs but also a depressed, anxious wreck when I'm not on my medicine. I look back on a lifetime of unsuccessful interpersonal relationships with people all too similar to the people I grew up with -
I also have a severely awesome rock-star girlfriend who's somehow agreed to marry me. Took my mom a few weeks to acknowledge the news of the engagement, then another couple to get a response from her on whether she'd attend and/or help out with expenses.
If she's being straight-up about this, then cool. But I don't trust her, because I don't have any reason to - she's overpromised and underdelivered way too many times on things I've come to realize are basic parent-child relations. DSM-twiddlers may appreciate my cod-diagnosis of my mom and stepdad as examples of, respectively, the histrionic and narcissistic subtypes.
I very much want to call her to clear the air and make explicit my feelings on her, my stepdad (who hasn't initiated any conversation since I moved out at 18, which I think I'm glad about), &c. Yes, there's a whole lot more stupid, fucked-up stuff that happened and still happens. I'm trying to keep this short, OK? ;)
2010 for me has been about new outlooks, trying new things, letting go of negative past behaviors - should I just cut off contact entirely? Formally disinvite? Wait for them to fuck up then shrug resignedly? I hate drama, hate hate hate the drama llama, but have no idea how to deal with this situation in any way that'll guarantee an outcome that'll be positive for me in the short or long term, and giving a call and laying things out in an organized fashion would be a huge weight off my mind.
There's a year before the lady and I get hitched; I don't want to spend it fretting about stupid shit like this when there's plenty of other stupid shit I could be fretting about more productively.
If you've read this far: thanks. If you've got advice that's not just "Let it go, man! Be at peace!" then please post it, email me, or hit me up on chat. If you've got naught but snark then kindly shove it <3
ps AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (shatters stone obelisk; my name, apparently, is a killing word)
* the "Cinderella Effect" is also quite applicable