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12 April 2010

Monday 3-point update [More:]
1. New York was fantastic, the wedding of TPS and Stynxno was just beautiful and Diane and I had a wonderful time. Thank you, my dear friends, for including us in your special day.

2. Some people we were talking to at the airport were astonished that I would choose to spend a vacation in Ohio! But it's gorgeous here, the weather is perfect and the air smells so fresh compared with the city.

3. Diane has a puppy! Karma is 5 months old, a beagle/yellow lab cross, with a face like a yellow lab, but she is slimmer than a lab. She's gorgeous. There's also two cats, KitKat and Shadow, neither of whom have the least bit of interest in me (yet ... but I swear I will wear them down).
1. I am astonished at how much better professional manicurists are than me at their craft.

2. Filed taxes. Owe money. Another day in the office.

3. Re-watching the whole "Eyes on the Prize" series on TV. Fascinating to watch it again with a 40-year-old perspective, instead of a 20-year old perspective.

(James Farmer came to speak to our class in college, which was really neat.)
posted by Melismata 12 April | 10:58
1. Getting ready to hit LA on Thursday (any LA bunnies wanna have lunch or a drink or something e or me mail me. . .was gonna go to a Dodger game but the MeFite I was gonna meet there canceled so I decided to bag that one.)

2. Taxes were about a wash, due to all the Fed perks that Obama put in, which I was surprised that I could get in on. Deducting property tax over and above the standard deduction rocks.

3. Just started My Life in France by Julia Child. . .seems like it will be a fun read!
posted by danf 12 April | 11:04
1. Things are totally crazy in a really good way. Holy shit! Things are excellent! I can't believe it!

2. Soon I believe I will be changing my relationship status - and not just on blogger or mefi, either, but on the big FB. Whoa. Wow. And it's pretty awesome.

2A. Also have met several really cool new people and am thrilled to have not just new love but new friends.

3. Last day of work here Wednesday. Have already been offered one job (don't get too excited; it's retail) and think I have a damn good shot at another, real one.
posted by mygothlaundry 12 April | 11:11
1. So frustrated w/ job searching and general indecision about my future.

2. My leg is hurting like crazy and I have no idea why.

3. It's a nice sunny day and I finally have a working garbage disposal, so I guess it balances out.
posted by leesh 12 April | 11:12
1. Kid kept waking up last night, not sick just grumpy. Thus, I am very tired.

2. Going to try and get a nap in before the meetup tonight.

3. A house that we really like (we are househunting) kind of fell into our lap without us looking, through a friend-of-friend source. It's pretty much our perfect place, although we have to think about it for a while to separate out some emotional reactions to it.
posted by gaspode 12 April | 11:13
Mythgothlaundry: is this the guy who made you read his novel?
posted by Melismata 12 April | 11:16
Yes! It turns out that he didn't really care that I didn't like his novel and also that I don't really care if he writes execrable novels.
posted by mygothlaundry 12 April | 11:21
Yay MGL!

1. We drove 16 goddamn hours to and from Detroit and all we got was two t-shirts and a pin that says "Frozen Four 2010: I WAS THERE" which we kind of don't want to admit because the championship game was so shit-tastic. Ugh.

2. On the plus side, we did come out 10 bucks ahead at the Greektown Casino.

3. I reeeeeally want to finish knitting the bottom part of my socks tonight. Unfortunately, as I have not figured out what to do for the cuffs, or if they should be knit two-at-a-time or not, they will probably languish for another couple weeks. Le sigh.

I'm sorry to be such a sourpuss in these updates! The sun is shining! I am in love! We have a nice home!
posted by Madamina 12 April | 11:28
1. Doctors appointment this afternoon to finalize the crap that needs to get done before my surgery on Friday.
2. Taking hormones to 'rebalance', and I swear it is crazy-making. We were moving a couch yesterday and it made me want to cry. WTF?
3. Want this to be over.
Yay, MGL, that's awesome. Is his writing THAT BAD? Execrable is a pretty strong word.
posted by msali 12 April | 11:29
1. Once a year, my landlord presents me with a bill for my portion of the water/sewer/common electric (outside lights, etc.). I got the first bill yesterday. $670. I was not anticipating that. Also, kind of bothered that the costs are divided evenly between apartments, as I live alone and in other apartments there are married couples. The world is not set up for the singleton.

2. My knee and hip joints are killing me from one session at the gym. I feel old. I am only 34. It's kind of pathetic.

3. How do people have time to go to the gym 3-4 times a week? I only have one night free this week. Theoretically, I could go before work, but realistically that ain't going to happen.
posted by amro 12 April | 11:30
1. The semester is rapidly drawing to a close for me. One of my textbooks for next semester (although I can't remember if it's the spring or summer class since they're registered and paid for together, but start at different times) arrived for Organization of Information (which I am dorkily excited about). I've just about completed all my assignments and need to submit 2 things before everything is all done.

2. Sleeping is still a serious issue. I didn't get to bed until after 2am this morning. I've been having random crying attacks and feeling quite lonely. (And all of that is just pissing me off.) I'm trying all sorts of different things to chill the fuck out at night but nothing really seems to be helping. I'm hoping this is just something that will run its course and then gtfo, like the epic Sad did in October.

3. I'm ready for lunch today which is strange since I took a caffeine pill this morning (see #2) and shouldn't be hungry yet. I have pudding! (And other foodstuffs, but I'm excited about pudding, even though I'm going to have to eat it with a fork since I didn't bring a spoon.)
posted by sperose 12 April | 11:39
1. Spent the weekend watching baseball and doing a freelance proofreading project. Dull reading but after 10 years of reading legislation I'm pretty much un-borable as far as the printed word goes.

2. Talked to my mother on the phone and have committed to driving from Maine to Florida (two very long days in the car by myself) and back at the end of May. Good thing I paid for a little more satellite radio.

3. Hoping to switch to a 4-day work week (Wednesdays off) sometime in the next few weeks.
posted by JanetLand 12 April | 11:50
1. Going to a five-year-old's birthday party! WHOOOO! The Fella is out picking up a toy, and I made her a small-size Grown-Up Bracelet, with an extra link to attach when she gets bigger.

2. Car trouble = money trouble. Again.

3. Feeling accomplished in frivolous ways: I'm wearing an outfit I made, my self-cut hair looks pretty good, and last night I posted the first draft of my Life List.

It turns out that he didn't really care that I didn't like his novel and also that I don't really care if he writes execrable novels.

Oh, that warms my shriveled little heart! Yay!
posted by Elsa 12 April | 12:01
Alas msali it is pretty damn bad. Whooee! It is kinda scary when nerds write fiction that heavily features computers and immortal whiskey drinking musical goddess women who are good with them. See, he is not a mefite but really he should be. ;-) But I think he has better in him and anyway, hell, he actually wrote the entire thing, 450 pages or so, and finished it, which is more than I can say and I am impressed.

sorry for derail! Am at obnoxious oogly eyes stage!
posted by mygothlaundry 12 April | 12:04
1) I spent all yesterday afternoon debilitated by allergies; today I am debilitated by antihistamines.

2) The people in this cafe are all being really passive aggressive and mean to their partners, which serves to make me glad I'm single.

3) I forgot my power cord! Arge! Home is 30 minutes away - I don't really want to drive there to plug in my computer ):

4) (because I don't follow the rules) what snack should I eat? The choices are muffins, rice crispy treats, banana bread, bagel, and hippy raw food bar.
posted by serazin 12 April | 12:19
Banana bread!
posted by amro 12 April | 12:39
1. Shot some hoops today not far from home but had to stop because the exhaust fumes of the nearby road made it disgusting

2. Finally getting some work done (my bank balance being the necessary incentive)

3. Hoping to get enough done before wednesday when I go to see my girlfriend in Utrecht and look for a job there (again - hate this financial crisis thingamajig)
posted by charles kaapjes 12 April | 12:41
Mmmm, banana bread. AMRO, that bill seems really annoying! If it's divided evenly, why doesn't the landlord just incorporate the cost into the rent - so you don't get slammed with such a big bill? Feh.
posted by serazin 12 April | 13:04
I tried to post an anonymous ask metafilter q but it was toooo weird, however I am better having codified my thoughts on the matter.

I'm moving in a few days!

Cadbury creme egg season is, sadly, over.
posted by By the Grace of God 12 April | 13:43
1. I think I just got all my paperwork organized and corrected so that I can document my 2007-2009 supervised therapy hours correctly. Which is good, because they changed a bunch of the rules this year, so I needed to get the pre-2010 stuff squared away. I feel very organized and productive.

2. During this process, I discovered I have *over* half my hours done! Woo! I hadn't realized I was there yet.

3. It has been gray and rainy and super-windy and cold-ish for the past few days and I'm kind of tired of it, though ikkyu2 and I did see a HUGE rainbow yesterday, which was the first time I had seen an entire one (you could see the whole arch) and all the colors were very distinct and bright, so that was neat.
posted by occhiblu 12 April | 14:08
Oooh! Now I want to know your extremely weird AskMe Grace of God!
posted by serazin 12 April | 14:19
1. Walking around with my sister and her friend. Hello from the Apple Store! I need this here iPad. If I could get 3G, I'd never have to talk to anyone ever!
2. Still tired from wedding festivities. Get me to Vegas, stat!
3. Looking forward to singing tonight at Marie's Crisis.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 12 April | 15:14
1) Sort of awesome, but also kind of trouble-type thing I mentioned last time looks to have settled down. It's less awesome than one might hope, but looks like trouble will be avoided. So I suppose that's good.

2) Keep losing weight while waiting for gall bladder surgery.

3) I don't mind #2 ONE TINY BIT.
posted by richat 12 April | 15:30
1. Did my taxes today. Being self-employed meant it took all day, triple-doublechecking my numbers, taking orange breaks, and watching old Ann Miller movies on TCM.

2. I'm still coughing, 2 weeks later. My throat isn't sore any more, and I'm not particularly congested, but the cough lingers around and it's tiring coughing this much.

3. It's funny how much less birdshit there is on my car, now that we moved the feeding stations 20 feet away.
posted by julen 12 April | 17:01
The world is not set up for the singleton.

I'm so with you on this and it sounds like you are getting screwed on your utilities.

My knee and hip joints are killing me from one session at the gym. I feel old. I am only 34. It's kind of pathetic.

Again, I totally understand. I was in the gym today doing weights, and my knee is still bothering me from the cardio I did on saturday-ok it was ALOT of cardio, but still at 35 shouldn't my joints still be, you know, functional?

1. Bought shorts and hydration pack for my cancer walk in May.

2. Had a stroke of genius about what to teach my class tomorrow courtesy of IFC ("What would jesus buy" was on when I came home from the gym.)

3. Dealt with a minor lease renewal crisis. Really not good with even a modicum with stress.
posted by miss-lapin 12 April | 18:17
I freak over lease renewal stuff too. I live in fear of moving.
posted by amro 12 April | 20:18
1. I'm on the week 5 of 100 pushups and can't beleive I've made it this far. Sneaky program has you doing well over 100 total by week 3. Gawd but my arms hurt.

2. Just had a huge load of work fall in my lap, but I was anticipating it and I'm ready. I still get nervous about it because it invovles coordinating people in three or four different cities, and pretty soon I'm going to have to kick some major ass, and it's not going to be pretty. But, that's what I do.

3. Started volunteering as a helper in hippotherapy. It's going great! Horsies!

I'm lucky in that work has a gym within walking distance. I make that my "lunch hour" and eat at my desk later. Is that something you can do, amro? I didn't start off by going to the gym, I just started walking a lot because I was mad at so many things. It kind of built up from there.
posted by lysdexic 12 April | 22:25
Photographer sits in a waterhole for 3 months to capture image of lions drinking. || Outsourced Grading, With Supporters and Critics, Comes to College