HDTV 60Hz vs 120Hz →[More:]
So I decided I need to finally throw the coin at an HDTV. I'm buying one for my bedroom since that is where I watch TV the most so I will probably go for a 32 inch, I was looking at the 40 inch models but that is just too big for a small room.
I've read up on them quite a bit but it hasn't helped much since every article I read contradicts the last one I looked at. The main confusing point for me right now is 60Hz/120Hz. The 120Hz models cost hundreds of dollars more than the 60Hz models do and I am wondering if it is worth it.
I can not tell that much difference between any of the TVs in the stores save that the highest-end TVs look much better than the lowest-end. For those who don't live in the 1980s and actually have HD setups, do you think 60Hz is good enough for watching TV and playing game systems on a 32 inch screen or should I go for a 120Hz?