Change Change Change. What has changed for you within the past year? How'd it go?
→[More:]I am in a little bit of a mourning period as I prepare to move out of my apartment of the last 5 years. It has been a cozy and happy home, and I've truly loved living in my local area. It is where I really became an adult and found a useful niche and learned to enjoy and contribute to community life. Even though we are moving to a really lovely new apartment in a really lovely new community in a town I really like with an arts scene and a local food scene and a beach, there's a wistfulness that comes with change. I am sure this change will go well, but it is a change nonetheless, worth recognizing.
What's changed for you? Have you adapted? Was it a good change or a bad change? One you chose, or one that came about that was outside your control? What is your relationship with change like? Are there any changes you plan to make soon?