tl;dr Low Carb Diet? Hope? Quick, can you tell me the principles of a healthy, reasonable low-carb diet? Something simple and elementary? Don't make me think too much!
For example, I read this simple advice somewhere:
Avoid all foods made with flour or added sugars. That includes all breads, pasta, baked goods, candy, sweets, honey, maple syrup, sweetened beverages, and anything else with any kind of flour, sugar, or other sweeteners listed in the ingredient list. Potatoes, rice, oatmeal and other intact grains are allowed. The only other rule is that you have to eat your vegetables!
See? That's really super clear and easy. Can I use this as a guideline? Does it make sense? And if so, what about alcohol? I'd like to have a little alcohol... is that allowed at all?
Basically, I cannot do any complicated counting-calories, allowances, substitutions kind of stuff. Or rather, I
can, but only for a couple of days, then forget it. I just need a super clear-cut "Can Haz/Can Not Haz" kind of thing. I'm fairly successful with self-discipline if it's not complicated.
If you guys don't know about this, I'll try AskMe, but I thought I'd give it a shot here first because I'd like simple, but also "friendly," if possible. I'm going to get really irritated with sneering "put-the-damn-cupcake-down," or "*sigh*-burn-more-calories-than-you-take-in" advice.