Ask MeCha: Medical Edition: Why do my eyes sometimes move/shake back and forth, involuntarily?
I never really thought of this as something out of the ordinary until just now. Shortly after working myself into an almost-panic-attack (talked myself down before it got into it), I realized my eyes were going left and right about four times every second (left right left right every second).
This is not something new, its happened to me for years. I'm not terribly certain of the first time I noticed it. Something associated with sleep and/or anxiety? I think it first happened during or after a fever dream? Nightmare, more like it. I recall it happening once when I was sick they'd move back and forth and back and forth and it made me even more nauseous.
Right now, and most of the time, I can snap out of it by shaking my head (like you might after snapping yourself out of daydreaming) and moving my eyes. When it happens, I get a sense of almost vertigo, I get sort of dizzy. It makes everything very slightly dance back and forth.
Is there a name for this? Is it something I should be concerned about? You are not doctors, and if you are you are not
my doctor, yes I know. But now I'm just curious.