Tuesday two-point! Tuesday two-point updates...
1. Caught up with an ex-boyfriend last night, which was nice. Very glad I'm not still with him - he was my first boyfriend, and we have little in common now, but he's a nice fellow.
2. Weekend was lovely. My friend T came to stay, and we stayed all night talking, and cooking and listening to live music. Mum's boyfriend was nice enough, and it's lovely to see her so happy, but they were a little full on. Was glad T was there to dilute it for me, and give me an excuse to escape.
ok. Two isn't enough.
3. The "blues" I had a couple of weeks ago have abated. I'm fighting fit, chirpy and all is well with the world. Think it was a combination of full moon, nerves about the review yesterday, and weirdness about mum's speedy relationship.
4. The review went really really well. It's soo nice working for a company I respect, with people I really like and respect. Doing work that makes a difference. They didn't have one criticism to make, told me that they trust me when I say I can do something, that when I ask questions, 99% of the time I already know what I need to do and they like that I ask confirmation. That they want me around for a long long time.