Halloween Brainstormation Help →[More:]Hey y'all. I'm thinking about going as a 1919
suffragette for Halloween. I've pretty much got the costume pieces under control (Edwardian dress, big-ass hat with flowers, "votes for women" sash), but I have the opportunity to carry a big picket sign, and I thought it would be fun to have a message on it that's politically contemporary. Any ideas?
It's kind of tough, because I don't want the costume to be perceived as "pro-Palinette" or "BitterAboutHillaryette." What could my sign say?
Also, can you think of a tandem costume for my male counterpart? Robber baron? Woodrow Wilson? WWI Doughboy? No ideas here.
I'm letting the
squirrel head idea go. I don't think I have the technical skills to pull off what was envisioned - an actual, real-looking squirrel head. That's sort of Holly wood level.