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05 October 2008

Halloween Brainstormation Help [More:]Hey y'all. I'm thinking about going as a 1919 suffragette for Halloween. I've pretty much got the costume pieces under control (Edwardian dress, big-ass hat with flowers, "votes for women" sash), but I have the opportunity to carry a big picket sign, and I thought it would be fun to have a message on it that's politically contemporary. Any ideas?

It's kind of tough, because I don't want the costume to be perceived as "pro-Palinette" or "BitterAboutHillaryette." What could my sign say?

Also, can you think of a tandem costume for my male counterpart? Robber baron? Woodrow Wilson? WWI Doughboy? No ideas here.

I'm letting the squirrel head idea go. I don't think I have the technical skills to pull off what was envisioned - an actual, real-looking squirrel head. That's sort of Holly wood level.
I think that the original "deeds not words" would be appropriate for today too.
posted by brujita 05 October | 13:02

random sign ideas:

No hanging chads

Any woman but Palin

Palin would have voted against suffrage

posted by nickyskye 05 October | 13:09
I'm letting the squirrel head idea go.
I'm sort of relieved about that.
posted by Wolfdog 05 October | 13:10
I was a suffragist one year -- I had lace up black boots and this great old gray woven suit with a long skirt that I found in a thrift store. It was awesome. I used an old sign though -- I think it was something like, "Mr. President, Give Women the Vote."

(Sad alienation note: that Halloween I went to a party populated by lefty environmentalist types and had this conversation multiple times --

LET: What are you?
Me: A suffragist.
LET: What's a suffragist?
posted by Claudia_SF 05 October | 13:18
For the other half, how about a musician, a Beiderbecke-type character?
posted by Wolfdog 05 October | 13:23
The only male famous person I can think of from 1919 is Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Wilson had a stroke that October and after that his wife was handling things.
posted by brujita 05 October | 13:24
I don't want the costume to be perceived as "pro-Palinette" or "BitterAboutHillaryette."
i don't see why it would.

He should definitely go as Woodrow Wilson and the sign could be a play on
"Mr. President, What will you do for women's suffrage? Absolutely nothing."
"Mr. President, What will you do for women suffering? Absolutely
with a discreet
Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.
on the back.
posted by ethylene 05 October | 13:33
how about "wham,bam, thank you ma'am"? ;-P
posted by brujita 05 October | 13:51
"Women should vote
but not for her"
with an arrow, because you know Sarah Palins will be there.

Carry some extra g's with you and hand them to her. "I think you dropped this."

And your sash could say "get the 'gist!"

Or he could be McCain and alternately humor and hit on you.

i like brujita's idea.
How about



My favorite protest sign ever held just said:
posted by ethylene 05 October | 13:56
posted by LoriFLA 05 October | 15:27
I was a suffragist, too, in fifth grade! My favorite costume ever, even if half of everyone I met didn't get it. (*sigh*)

Anyway, how 'bout a sign with something like this?

Enjoy Voting?
Thank a
posted by scody 05 October | 16:14
I love that three of us have/will be Halloween suffragists -- awesome.
posted by Claudia_SF 05 October | 17:38
Oh, holy whatnot. This is a bit weird, in the nicest possible way: I, too, was thinking about being a suffragette for Halloween.

It popped into my head after a recent viewing of "Mary Poppins," during which I (once again) got all teary-eyed with gratitude at Mrs. Banks' rendition of "Sister Suffragette."

I know she's portrayed as a fluffy-headed upperclass woman frivoling away at her activism, but goddamn am I grateful to the women, silly or not, who fought for my rights.

The idea was encouraged by my wardrobe's preponderance of full black ankle-length skirts, jackets with peplums, and big freakin' hats. When dressed for winter (and not in jeans), I resemble no one so much as Carrie A. Nation.

Jeez, Miko, maybe we can throw ourselves under some carriage wheels together.
posted by Elsa 05 October | 18:00
That IS weird, Elsa! ANd yeah, how funny that we have so many current and former suffragists!

My idea was prompted by a combination of factors. I've worn out my backup Halloween costumes of Annie Oakley and Rosie the Riveter. Not excited to do those again. Then I saw a character actor portray Susan B. Anthony at this Humanities Council thing last week, and it re-impressed on me how hard and long the suffrage fight was. Then I was up in my museum costume shop wondering what I could borrow to make a costume, since Squirrel Head wasn't happening. The hats were particularly appealing. Suddenly I thought hey, big hat + women activists = Suffragist!

But that's still an odd synchrony.

maybe we can throw ourselves under some carriage wheels together.

Well, I hereby invite you down to the famous [Town Redacted] Halloween Parade, if you can make it!

Scody, the "community organizer" sign idea is pretty awesome, and my 'male counterpart' is now thinking of going as a Community Organizer. Whatever that looks like.
posted by Miko 05 October | 21:20
and my 'male counterpart' is now thinking of going as a Community Organizer. Whatever that looks like.

Clarence Darrow? Maybe he could carry a monkey?
posted by occhiblu 05 October | 21:36
Clarence Darrow? Maybe he could carry a monkey?

That would be capital-A AWESOME.
posted by scody 05 October | 21:53
But as Wilson, there could be animated verbal sparring and maybe a climactic stroke scene. He could gesture with his pince-nez and eugenics pamphlets while you beat him with your hat.

It's hard to beat monkey, though.
posted by ethylene 05 October | 22:01
Maybe as a Female Eunuch?

Or a Meninist?
posted by nickyskye 05 October | 23:33
Brujita, FTW!
posted by haunted by Leonard Cohen 05 October | 23:34
Uh, my username stems from a collection of punk fairytales set in the 1980's.
posted by brujita 06 October | 00:39
I checked IMDB, but the silent male roles we remember today came later.
posted by brujita 06 October | 00:42
Huh, Elsa! I haven't seen the movie since I was little and the suffragette part was cut out of the musical. Travers made the books contemporary for the 1930's (I've read that someone at the time would understand that having a staff of four servants didn't necessarily mean one was wealthy) rather than Edwardian.
posted by brujita 06 October | 00:47
i happen to know a direct descendant of Carry Nation, but not any costume ideas fer meself. Not that there's a damn thing worth the effort of a really great costume, but still.
And less than five days to come up with a complete package of horrible eviloh, man, i should really completely stop smoking if i have to sing on video… i so lack the wonderflonium… or a theme--
What's my motivation?!?
posted by ethylene 06 October | 01:35
Psst -- the right-hand box McCain-Palin ad up on right now shows -- you got it! -- suffragists! (They have several different ads click refresh a few times you'll get the suffragists.)
posted by Claudia_SF 08 October | 02:57
Best. Mugshot. Ever. || New Term!