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I actually think the writeup is quite lucid. It's yet another person who's come up with a bright idea to make money and wants other people to band together to make the products and get a cut of the sale. Undecided factors:
* Whether said entrepreneur has any experience actually selling painted skateboards (among a dozen other things) and is a member of that community
* Why they need SO MANY 'artists' to do the work and how they'd be managed
* Who's gonna make the website and how people are gonna hear about it, who's gonna handle the branding & marketing
* How comfortable their non-cubicle open spaces will be in winter
* Why they're trying to recruit artisans off of craigslist rather than through personal relationships, community knowledge and recommendations
I as my sensual person does indicate find the occupational query provided here within to profoundly exist for matters of personal recollection and public description to accompany a precipice of chortling humor assuming my own volition. Also. Sexy.
Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling to understand that. I know I was stupid even before the Internets were invented, but I didn't think I was that bad.