Oh Hai. What's up? It's raining here in just the right way--steady enough to soak in, and hard enough to make a good dent in the drought. And it's excellently cool for the first time in ages and ages.
I'm soaking my mushroom log for the first time ever. I'm a bit intimidated by the complicated instructions, but deep down I bet the log is much less finicky than they claim.
There's a
morning glory climbing up my porch that keeps opening every morning, despite the fact that the rest of the plant is dead. Talk about hope!
I was supposed to attend a mandatory pre-application workshop for a *large* state grant I was going to write this fall. Unfortunately, I have a fever and it was two hours away. Nobody else at work can go in my place*, so it looks like we're SOL.
*Our staff is mostly health care providers who have patients to see. The only two others are wrapped up in our major fundraiser event, which is on Thursday morning.