Comment Feed:
We are interested in implementing two technical items:
1) Include a feed of our Twitter posts on the [redacted] web site
2) Import all [redacted] users into our Twitter account so we can "follow" them, which may then result in them deciding to "follow" us.
Item will number 1 will be very easy to implement. Item number 2 will be more difficult. I think I've figured out how to use the twitter API to get the twitter ID for a given email address, but unfortunately the API has a throttle on it that only allows 70 queries per hour. To get through our entire member database at only 70/hour will take over month to do.
I also wonder if it's a good idea, generally, to follow thousands of our users. I think they've put the request throttle in place, in part, precisely to avoid this sort mass communication. See the stuff about "follow spam" here: . Also, when I was trying to figure out how implement #2, I asked to a web community I am active in how it might be implemented technically. The response among the twitter users there was that they would not appreciate being "followed" in that way at all, and would likely block the SCI twitter user completely.
Just some thoughts.