AskMecha: Risque/weird magazine name? So, after sitting on these sad/creepy/funny letters from our readers for a while, me and a couple friends have decided to use Magcloud to put 'em out as a magazine. But, we need a name.
These are the ones that our brainstorming session came up with:
These People Actually Exist
Sad But True
Cum Correspondence
Porno Pals
Mail Sac
Pornographic Fan Frenzy!
Ink Stained Wretches
Stained Mail
Stained Letters
Stain Mail
But we're not very happy with any of them per se, especially now that we've discovered a huge cache of letters written to the merchandizing department from Ghana begging for porn in the tones usually reserved for Nigerian spammers ("Oh great master, I humbly beseech you…" etc.).
So, I'm hoping to get a few more ideas while simultaneously still keeping this on the down low, at least a little bit, so I'm asking you guys if you can come up with any good names. They only have to last three or four issues, since that's all we've got material for (roughly 120 pages), once we edit out the lame ones.