Comment Feed:
A couple of bad teeth and pimples on your face shouldn't be reason for anyone to cover their mouths when they need to laugh, or think that they don't look "pretty".
I actually know one of the ladies in HR to a certain extent and we have a nice rapport so I'll try and get this straightened out with her if and when the need arises, which I'm hoping it doesn't. I'll be calling up that girl today and finding out if her friend is okay with what happened or whether she really did take it to heart and feels the need to redress the situation, in which case I'm ready for her boyfriend to punch me in the mouth, or beg for his girl friend's forgiveness, whichever they would prefer.:)
You know, if I were a woman, and if a guy were to have spoken to me the same way some of you seem to speak to me on occasion, he would've been considered to be a chauvinist of sorts.
"Self-made drama", okay, whatever you say:)
Dude, when did I ever ask for anyone's advice in this thread--could you please point that out to me.
Sigh, why do I get myself caught up in these messes, and then do the same thing all over again with someone else.
I'll be calling up that girl today and finding out if her friend is okay with what happened