AskMecha: Drupal people. 6.2 has stuff I want, and some I neeeeeed, but, not a single module I use. What to do?
→[More:] I sue fairly simple stuff mostly, that may or may not already be in the 6.2 - like forums, and Comment upload, and rezining userimages. But then there's a few complicated things like eCommerce, and CCK and embedded media/audio - and these modules are not for Drupal six yet. I'm getting a creeping panic as teh search is quite borked in drupal 5.7 (as in, it keeps filling my logs with errors) and the patches to clear that up have failed me - but this issue is fixed in 6.2. I don't know what to do.
I have no money, the site does not make enough to pay a drupal person to fix things for me (though I really really wish it did), so I am entertaining this go-out-on-a-limb theory of switching to ad-based income and hopefully getting enough to pay a drupal-genious for their work, as teh switching can only happen after upgrading to 6.2 - but then again, I might not make that much on ads. Oh crap, I really feel like I'm painted into a corner.