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20 June 2008

Cool + Ew = Kewl? Cut for the medically squeamish.
[More:]Today at work I got to see a severed human nipple in a plastic container. How was your day?
Today at work, I typed up some letters.

I mailed a few things.

I answered the phone once or twice.

To the best of my knowledge, nobody lost any body parts onsite.
posted by jason's_planet 20 June | 21:51
I killed someone today... actually I killed her several times.

Stupid video games.
posted by jonathanstrange 20 June | 21:53
See here and here. No maimings as I type this, but the night is young.
posted by bmarkey 20 June | 22:05
Interesting. I have never seen a severed nipple in a plastic container.

My little boy fell down in the grocery store today. He smacked his cheek pretty hard on the ground. He was quickly consoled but started complaining of a headache in the checkout line. Then he went to sit on the bench at the end of the checkout and started falling asleep sitting up. I start to panic, silently and mildly, thinking he may have a concussion. He awakens easily and is coherent and appropriate. I chalked up his drowsiness to staying up until nearly 11 last night. He took a nap when we got home from the store and woke up with a bloody nose. I started worrying again, that I should have brought him to the hospital. I calmed down and realized that he probably bashed his nose when he fell on his face.

My day was awesome other than that. I worked out with my trainer this morning and made Jamie Oliver's "Best Pasta Salad" and ate on the beach with my family and friends and browsed in a bookstore with a cup of hot coffee.

This morning I also bought the boys some more Crocs. They desperately wanted red Crocs and I said sure. There is a part of me that thinks of red shoes as girl shoes and Minnie Mouse shoes. I would never say anything like this to my boys because they can wear whatever color they want and I'm not going to reinforce a stereotype or assign colors to genders. They rang up as "Girl's Crocs". Thank goodness they didn't read this or they would want them to go back. My youngest son told me today that, "love is only for girls and I don't like love." That made us laugh a little bit and my husband declared that he loved love.

You should have asked me this yesterday because my husband saw a manatee and three schools of rays yesterday at the beach. I'm living in a paradise, people. The ocean has been crystal clear this week and is turquoise and blue. I was out in the water a lot, but the minute I go to sit in my chair or build a sandcastle is when I miss all of the wildlife!

I am hyped up on a grande latte. Aren't you glad I shared all of this? ;)
posted by LoriFLA 20 June | 22:08
The story about the Crocs has made my week. I love love love it when parents work to NOT give their kids hangups about stereotypical stuff... that rocks, Lori.

I'm also now craving pasta salad (one of my favorite foods) whether it's anybody's "best" or not.
posted by BoringPostcards 20 June | 22:28
My nipples are physically offended.
posted by ethylene 20 June | 22:33
Here Here! I agree with BoringPostcards, and (on preview) with ethylene too.
posted by jonathanstrange 20 June | 22:41
Weird, it's been all severed nipples at my work, too.
posted by jtron 20 June | 23:19
Lori, when I was a little boy I wanted everything in red. I even painted my bedroom fire engine red.
posted by arse_hat 20 June | 23:51
I will console your nipples, ethylene...

No really, they'd make a nice stereo console.
posted by eekacat 21 June | 00:47
I understand that several right nipples have washed up onshore in British Columbia. Maybe this could be a match for one of them?
posted by taz 21 June | 02:05
I understand that several right nipples have washed up onshore in British Columbia

How does one differentiate between the right and left nipples? One of them is voting for McCain? :P
posted by evilcupcakes 21 June | 02:25
Right nipples wear the right pasty, and left ones wear the left pasty, silly. Right nippled people tend to slightly bigger right nipples, and the reverse for left nippled people. Nipplologists believe that right nippled people are more mathmatically inclined, while left nippled people are more abstract thinkers, but modern science has debunked this.

Turns out, it's exactly the other way around. Very few people are ambinipplous, but those who are can think with both nipples at the same time. Barrack Obama is ambinipplous. Little known fact.
posted by taz 21 June | 02:33
Barrack Obama is ambinipplous. Little known fact.

Fox News is going to pick up on this for sure.
posted by DarkForest 21 June | 05:09
I'd like it back, please.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 21 June | 09:16
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