That post I made on Ask Metafilter about honesty was important. I got the new job and gave two weeks notice on the last job. Had a coffee with boss from the last job Saturday and said she had seen a marked improvement in my performance recently. That was really good for my confidence. Then I was out last night with my friend E who is also the accountant for the old job, and he said that they had been intending to sack me anyway.
This is why honesty is important. How can I get along without honesty from other people?
What's worse, E (who probably didn't think I would be upset over this admission) started backtracking and covering up with various excuses and lies (i.e. they just wanted a different type of person, etc.), so he is in the liar camp as well. He swore me to secrecy and I've not told anybody else, except my other half. And I won't.
I'm really not taking this well at all but am keeping going nonetheless. "This job will be over soon." "What they say doesn't matter." But this all has been a big blow to my confidence in doing well at the next job.
I am meeting with E Thursday over coffee to discuss the matter, he says he will tell me the whole story. (If he tells the truth) it is the only way for me to get real feedback about what I need to do better.