I've been listening to
this song repeatedly tonight.
It hits me on so many levels that it's not even funny. One, it amazes me that a multi-millionaire rock star can still communicate this level of existensial loneliness 30-odd years on into his career. Plus, I've been in the place he describes so often in my life. Back when I was 21 and working a night shift job in a supermarket bakery and commuting to work at 1:00am with the radio on for company. I remember visiting the part of Jersey where Bruce comes from and thinking that this song resonates most deeply in places like that. Of course, it also perfectly sums up the state of modern radio, too. But great songwriters like all great artists are at their best when they express what seems to be just beyond articulation and this is a prime example of that.
Forgive me. It's been a tiring week and I've had a few drinks.