a RANT for graphic designers who use PCs... just got off the phone
→[More:] with someone willing to pay a lot of money to someone to do a seemingly simple job. the one snag? "we're a big concerned with your lack of work on a PC." DUDE!?!? a P-F'ING-C!?!? what year is it? you're doing DESIGN work on a PC? really? that's what you're coming at me with? "we want to make sure you can troubleshoot the little things on your own." yeah, know why you have to be able to troubleshoot on your own? 'CUZ YOU'RE WORKING ON PCS!!!!! "if you're missing a font or something...." really? REALLY? pcs don't autoload fonts? huh, 'cuz MAC'S DO! that's how they roll!! haven't you seen those commercials?!? lemme guess, check the utilities in Quark and drop the typeface into the "fonts" folder. done! F' off with your damn PCs!! "well thanks for your time, we'll let you know."