Activism rant Focus!
→[More:] The Wells Fargo shareholder meeting was yesterday, and there were a few people out front asking shareholders to hold Wells Fargo's feet to the fire to explain their racist predatory lending practices.
At least one of the people plugging this was ALSO wearing Stop The War and pro-union hats/shirts/buttons.
This means that their anti-rascism stance will be ignored by anyone who doesn't care about the war in Iraq.
I keep SEEING this! If you are protesting predatory lending while your clothing and accessories espouse gay marriage, Palestine, and television-free living, you are diluting your message to almost nothing.
1) anyone holding a different opinion on any one of your causes will dismiss your opinion on all of them.
2) Those of us who agree with the majority of your causes think you have nothing better to do than constantly protest things and probably we can ignore whatever today's cause is because we're on your side already so why pay attention.
Have these people learned NOTHING from the right wing? DO NOT DILUTE YOUR MESSAGE!
Soundbites! Clean & Simple! Direct! The ability to get your point across in seconds! FOCUS!
And while I'm on this trip, do NOT try to convince the board of a major bank that they should change their business model on the grounds of anything similar to "the world will be a better place."
Cite numbers! Cite profit! Cite precedence! Tailor your message to your audience! Good grief.
Um. Ok. Thanks for listening.