FAE -- fetal alcohol effect Does anyone have any experience with kids with fetal alcohol problems?
→[More:] I recently got copies of my older foster kid's social security paperwork, and the doc who signed off on the benefit concluded that he had "Organic Mental Disorder for LD."
Googling a bit it sounds like that means LD caused by something like fetal alcohol or maybe fetal some-other-drug. Which is consistent with what I know about his bio mother (Native, alcoholic, addict) -- I've always assumed that Chris had some brain damage from birth.
A *lot* of the descriptions of FAE/FAS kids seem to fit Chris. But the literature also gives sort of a stark picture -- FAE/FAS kids "never," "can't," etc. learn to control themselves, to understand cause and effect, etc.
In my experience, Chris does seem to learn about consequences, albeit sloowwwwly and very imperfectly -- two days on, six days off. Maybe he has a mild case, or the literature on FAE/FAS is overly simplistic, or maybe Chris doesn't have that at all.
Anyway, thinking about a possible new label probably doesn't change anything.