What's your drug of choice and why? →[More:] Mine would be alcohol (with caffeine and nicotine just behind and marijuana an occasional visitor). I like it because I'm a very high-strung person and it makes me feel heavy and solid and relaxed; it ties me down when I feel like I'm floating away. Plus, it's made in hundreds of different ways (beer, wine, liquor) so there's always a new way to try it and since it's in the form of a beverage, it's more social seeming than just popping a pill.
The other drugs? LSD was fun, but it didn't live up to the hype, I didn't see Jesus surfing a wave of molten lava or anything. Cocaine? Too expensive and makes people jabbery and panicky.
Booze suits me just fine.
So, how about you? (Note: drug of choice need not be a drug. It could be food, exercise, even TV. what's your crutch?)