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Comment Feed:


31 March 2008

Three-point update for Monday Mar. 31st. 1. Back from a vacation. Could use a week more of vacation.
2. Didn't get the grant I applied for. They didn't even send the rejection letter to me (the applicant), but to our organization's grants officer. How passive-aggressive.
3. Hope I get over the general mood of crabbiness soon!
I'm sorry about the grant and about the way they communicated with you about the grant, and I hope you feel better soon.
posted by By the Grace of God 31 March | 13:57
1. Day off. Home drinking beer and playing with my computer.
2. I'm listening to Princess Superstar's 'Fuck Me On The Dancefloor.' It's very nice.
3. I'm meeting pips at the Key Food to go grocery shopping later.
posted by jonmc 31 March | 13:59
1) the bike race on Sunday got snowed out :(

2) work, work, work, busy, busy, busy.

3) argh, wtf, I'm crabby today too lleachie! grrr.
posted by lonefrontranger 31 March | 14:02
1. As a fellow academic, I feel your grant pain, lleachie.
2. I am in a good mood for no apparent reason. This rarely happens.
3. List of things that I ate this weekend that make me a bad pregnant woman:
3a - sushi
3b - unpasteurised cheese
3c - alcohol
3d - caffeine
posted by gaspode 31 March | 14:02
A week later pode gave birth to 5 pond hyped-up hunk of scaly portwine cheddar.
posted by jonmc 31 March | 14:09
gaspode, you of anyone likely knows that list of yours is stuff that in small amounts / moderation isn't harmful. well that plus I ***LOATHE*** that whole hand-wavy apoplectic Nanny Nazi attitude anyhow but seeing as I'm a non-breeder my opinion's probably not valid so I'll just shut up now...
posted by lonefrontranger 31 March | 14:11
1. Wasted half the day waiting at the dermatologist's office. Oh well, necessary evil- there was lots of lovely face stabbing, a peel, and I got my prescription, so all is well in the world.
2. Got what appears to be helpful help on the Google Apps discussion forums, which put them way ahead of the "help" pages written by Google. Meanwhile, googling for help on my next set of questions keeps bringing me back to my original post.
3. Baked potatoes for late lunchy. Grocery shopping tonight after pilates.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 31 March | 14:17
oh, I know, lfr. I should have said I'm being a "bad" pregnant woman. Then again, I didn't mention the crack I had in moderation, too
posted by gaspode 31 March | 14:30
1. Dentist tomorrow. My nightguard has been broken for a week, and I taken my mold in, but now the lab says no, not possible, need a new casting done. Grumble. PLUS, I was just at the dermatologist Friday (short term bad, long term good), so I am doctored out.

2. Saturday, a college kid in an SUV said to his buddies about me & my girlfriends in the next car: "Look at those old desperate housewives." We laughed a hearty laugh. It would have been mean if he had yelled at us or something, but it was sort of an accurate observation, as we were driving back from The Irish Festival and were Irish Coffeed Up.

3. Grumpy. Monday. Blah.
posted by rainbaby 31 March | 14:31
1. Finally got back to working out this past weekend after a bad flu.
2. Work is slow for me now, and spring is on its merry way, which equals a bored me with nothing but sex on the brain.
3. Mmmmmmm, brain sex.
posted by tr33hggr 31 March | 14:34
1. Work is incredibly slow today, but I finished the rest of the backlog of stats (turns out it was only 7 months behind, but missing November and December...oops) and saw that April is a batshit month.

2. I really don't like the fact that my mother is home ALL THE TIME NOW. It means that as soon as I get in the door, she's all talking to me and shit. Goddamnit, GO AWAY.

3. I'm eager to get home and read. I started 2 new series and I've already read the first book of the first series twice (and ordered the next two books online today while at work) and I started the first book of the second last night. GAH. WANT TO GO HOME AND READ.
posted by sperose 31 March | 14:35
1. My builder has just been round to look at the work that needs to be done for the bedroom and hallway. It will be expensive but great when it's finished. But he can't do the work for about three months (he's good, so he's in demand).

2. My sister is starting to get out of control again. Every word out of her mouth is a lie. This time when the crash and burn comes, she's on her own.

3. Dinner is nearly ready - marinated turkey, sliced and stir-fried, served with salad. Mango and yoghurt to follow.
posted by essexjan 31 March | 14:47
1. I was good and brought a textbook with me to read today in order to catch up on schoolwork, but I forgot that this particular textbook reads really quickly, so I nearly finished the bits I needed to read on the bus this morning. I don't think the rest of it will last me through lunch. So I'm all stressed about what I'm going to read at lunch, and where I'm going to get that reading. Plus, I'm *already* in the middle of two other novels, and adding a third right now is likely to totally shatter my ability to remember what the hell's going on in the other two.

2. Tired and out of it at work, after a week off. Exacerbated by a philosophical clash between my journalism-background boss and my literature-and-travel-writing - background self about story structure. I lean toward the chronological, she leans toward the topical, even when there's no real topical reason for the current story. I'm obsessed with background info. I think the combination ultimately means we come up with really good finished products, but it's frustrating in the middle of it.

3. I got offered that unpaid internship for which I had the really good interview, which is nice. I was told by third-party sources that sometimes their unpaid internships can morph into paid internships after a few months, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed on that one.
posted by occhiblu 31 March | 14:52
1. Found my phone in the litter box this morning. It wasn't disgusting but a bit disturbing. The Bees was so damn cute about the whole thing and everyone i told finds it adorable.

2. Finally doing laundry as we speak. i need to put things in the dryer.

3. i made the Bees a pink skirt but made the waist too inflexible so she look like she's wearing a flouncy caplet because she won't pull her arms through but is just fine with it that way. That is pretty freaking adorable.
posted by ethylene 31 March | 15:15
occhi, I am with you. Background is the difference between a news story and a blog post.

I really really really want a kitten. We can't get one until husband's mother's cat stays with us for three weeks starting at an UNSPECIFIED TIME.
posted by By the Grace of God 31 March | 15:29
1. I am taking a break from wedding planning, as it has me completely stressed out and indecisive and I will be out of town on work trips for the next two weekends anyway. I am not bridezilla. I am not bridezilla. I am not bridezilla.

2. My fiancé made an apple raisin struedel last night and I can't wait to eat some for dessert tonight. I've been really careful about what I have eaten today so far, and it looks like I'll be able to eat a slice after dinner guilt-free.

3. Yesterday was a totally awesome day that involved walking around a lovely neighborhood with my fiancé and
3.a. getting fitted for and buying much-needed new running shoes
3.b. exploring and buying books from a tiny lovely messy used book store
3.c. buying new comics
posted by misskaz 31 March | 15:50
1. My alarm went off at 4:30 this morning. I had to open the place because my coworker is having a kidney stone problem. This is one factor that may crush my dreams of working at Dunking Donuts. I never know when my boss is going to call and ask if I can go in.

2. I got home a little while ago. I was starving and couldn't wait for dinner. I had 2 eggs over medium, a banana, and two pieces of toast. I'm going to put a chicken in the oven in a minute.

3. I'm tired.
posted by LoriFLA 31 March | 16:01
1. Picked up my passport from my local post office this morning.

2. Went to what I thought was the last day of a temp assignment only to discover that FRIDAY was, in fact, the last day of said temp assignment. Supervisor is not a ball of fire in the linear thinking and clear communication departments.

3. Am going to a grown-ups' spelling bee in an hour because I want to earn a chance to win a 20 volume Oxford dictionary. Or, failing that, a $15 bar tab.
posted by jason's_planet 31 March | 16:12
1. Recovering from another round of dilation drops and blinding white lights being shone into my eyes for dangerous amounts of time. Why everyone is so surprised that it gives me a headache, I'll never understand.
2. It has been full-on raining here for nearly three whole days now, and Central NC is all like, "Woohoo! Look at those reservoirs fill right up!". So that's cool.
3. I haven't yet told my family that I am not cooking them dinner tonight. I plan on using my wonky dilated eye as the excuse.
posted by msali 31 March | 16:31
1. After an hour on the phone with tech support, the DSL is now working here at home. Hence, my being able to type this. Yay!

2. Found out what my next work project is going to be, today... luckily it's a short duration one and not something that will drag on for months. (It will only last a week or two, in fact.)

3. The gray, damp, dark weather is bugging me. It's almost April! Where the hell is my sunny spring weather, dammit??!?
posted by BoringPostcards 31 March | 17:27
1. Got to sleep in this morning, due to a later schedule. Yay!
2. Got to work after a weekend off (I usually work Saturdays) only to find the guys at work broke my main piece of equipment. Grrr.
3. Not making dinner tonight! BIG YAY!!!
posted by redvixen 31 March | 18:33
1. Wallpaper. Wallpaper wallpaper wallpaper. I'm seeing the stuff every time I close my eyes now. Tomorrow I may get to paint. As long as I can finish that wallpaper.

2. So very very very broke. Big fat paycheque this weekend if the client ponies up, though, so yay!

3. Um...wallpaper?
posted by elizard 31 March | 20:07
1. home from all day lifeguarding
2. in some sort of denial about huge amount of work coming up, mostly fun work but work nonetheless
3. can't bear to read anymore of the Barthelme book I'm reading because when I'm done, there's no more Barthelme.
posted by jessamyn 31 March | 23:08
1. On the last leg of my VA trip.
2. Am disappointed that I didn't get to meet SassHat, but don't want to come home.
3. The crown on a root canal came off, but I'd rather wait to see my regular dentist than consult AskMe.
posted by brujita 31 March | 23:46
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