Front Range bunnies, assuage my fears! I'm going to be flying into Denver
→[More:] and driving up to Summit County on Thursday afternoon. There's 3-4 inches of snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow.
I'll be renting a car - a generic front-wheel-drive, as the 4wd rental prices were, ahem, astro-frackin-nomical.
Will I be OK?
The truth is, I love snow driving and take it seriously. I learned to drive in upstate NY; dad had me practice skidding in snowy parking lots. I worked a winter on Mt. Hood, driving my 2wd Saab (w/ studs) no problems. I take my Audi Quattro up to Tahoe often. 4 inches of snow does not worry me, per se.
I am worried about 2 things: Driving an unfamiliar car that I don't have a feel for, and chain controls on I70. Do they require chains in CO? Often?
I don't recall seeing chain control signs on I70, but here in California, Caltrans puts up chain controls for the most trivial of weather events. A reasonable approach, given the poor training and equipment of most drivers here. My suspicion is that nowhere else is as stupid about chain controls as CA, but I'm hoping for some local experience. Thanks!