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Haha. There are other reasons to not be a Hilary fan than misogyny, you know.
The impact of the right-wing media empire -- during the decade when it was its most powerful, rude, and vitriolic -- was very, very successful in setting her up as a lightning rod for channeling every form of fear, anger, and personal anxiety that right-wing voters might feel. She was liberalism, she was self-righteousness, she was smarter and more successful than you, she was confident, she wasn't a caretaker, she had her husband pussywhipped, she was power-mad, she wanted to take your freedom away, she wanted to make your decisions for you.
It isn't her politics, it's HER.
Heck, Bill Clinton made me wanna snatch myself bald but I'd still have coffee with him. Hillary I wouldn't want to get within a mile of.
Democrats love plates of beans, and they've shown that they'll risk killing the golden child over issues no non-Democrat would bother with.