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03 February 2008

Super super. [More:]

I could have done without the Fox Newsy, Iraq war apologia recitation of the Declaration of Independence.

But yay, SuperBowl!

And Super Bowl.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 18:15
Yay, commercials! And yay, Tom Petty at halftime!
posted by brina 03 February | 18:17
GF and I nearly had a row this morning when I explained the Puppy Bowl to her.

Me: It's three hours of puppies playing!
Her: Three hours?
Me: Three hours! Of puppies playing!
Her: That seems a little excessive.

Then she put her nose back in her book and I grumbled.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 18:19
Stupid girlfriend.

Isn't there also a kitten half-time show? Tell her that. That might convince her.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 18:21
Also, there seems to be a husky puppy. And a golden retriever puppy. Also, does she know your username?
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 18:22
Oh yeah, I mentioned the kittens. She refrained from rolling her eyes, but I think she wanted to. And no, I don't think she knows my username. Whew.

But if she does, hi sweetie! It was occhiblu who called you stupid, not me.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 18:24
MuddDude expressed the same concerns regarding the Puppy Bowl. After watching a few seconds, he asked me, "What's the difference between Puppy Bowl and dogfighting?"

Question: if the dome is closed, where did they do that fighter jet flyover???
posted by muddgirl 03 February | 18:26
Hee. "Stupid girlfriend" does not mean that she is a person is stupid, just that she's not appropriately living up to her potential girfriendiness. Rolling her eyes at puppies, indeed.

In semi-related news, I burst a blood vessel in my eye, and it's VERY GROSS. I may have been rolling them too much recently.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 18:28
Yuck! Cut back on the eye-rolling and hmph-ing!

And Anyone who can't tell the difference between the Puppy Bowl and dogfighting... well, I don't even KNOW what to say about that! Silly boy!
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 18:48
As a cat person, I wasn't aware the was a puppy bowl. I just youtube'd for the Kitty Halftime Show. I'm not that much of a cat person, however it is better than a lot of Super Bowl halftime shows.
posted by birdherder 03 February | 18:50
Commercials. So. Boring.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 19:06
I wish I could stop saying, "It's naht a too-mah!" every time the announcers say "Amani Toomer."
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 19:10
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 19:24
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 19:26
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 19:39
Ha ha mudpuppie, just saw that commercial too. I love cashews, but not that much. Tom Petty yay!
posted by haunted by Leonard Cohen 03 February | 19:47
I was expecting more points. I would like more points, please.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 19:53
Yes, me too. More points. And more beer. Thanks.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 19:54
And in halftime news, Maria Shriver has endorsed Barack Obama. (Ahnold endorsed McCain.)

Go Maria.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 19:56
We aren't watching the Super Bowl today, but my boyfriend found the Puppy Bowl online and then had to explain it to me. Teh cyoooot!
posted by rhapsodie 03 February | 20:01
I just forgot that I was on the puppy channel and I was like, "Jet Dry? Really? Jet Dry paid millions of dollars to put this crappy ad on during the Super Bowl? I don't get it."
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:03
Man, seems like a lot of people need the Puppy Bowl explained to them. So here's yesterday's NYT article about it.

On preview: It's all about the spotless drying, occhi. THE SPOTLESS DRYING!!
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:04
Hmmm. Well. That Tom Petty's neon was a little... suggestive.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:04
Halftime show: Phallic neon guitar penetrates vagtastic neon heart. Huh.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:05
Oh hi. You type faster than I do. But I made up a word.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:05
It's all about the spotless drying, occhi. THE SPOTLESS DRYING!!

Did you know that if your dishes aren't drying properly, it may not be the dishwasher's fault? And your handy local dishwasher repairman might be able to recommend an easy solution!
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:06
And when did Tom Petty start looking like a midwestern Jesus?
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:06
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:06
The heart seemed to be having a good time, though.

Or possibly exploding and then catching on fire.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:07
Gives "The Heartbreakers" a new meaning, I guess...
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:08
Yeah, I think that was maybe the pun they were going for, but it doesn't really translate the way they tried to do it.

Watch for the FCC complaints. Mark my words.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:11
And that neon universe they just showed? Blastocyst!

This thing is all about sex, I tell you.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:12
I am clearly seeing a much lamer halftime show than the rest of you. The background screens I'm getting only look like someone tried to copy Guitar Hero.
posted by casarkos 03 February | 20:14
Well, casarkos, you clearly missed the neon sex ed lesson.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:16
Well, casarkos, you clearly missed the neon sex ed lesson.

When a beer sign and a giant flashing martini glass love each other very much, then they fall in love and get married, and eventually they have lots of little twinkle lights.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:29
Oh nice. Panda with a phony 'oriental' accent. Feh.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:32
That same company had a character with a craptastically stereotypical Indian accent in an earlier ad. Racism -- marketing genius, I tell you!
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:37
I missed that one. Thank god. Er, I mean Buddha. No -- VISHNU! VISHNU!.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:38
Panda with a phony 'oriental' accent. Feh.

craptastically stereotypical Indian accent in an earlier ad. Racism -- marketing genius, I tell you!

Are you ever to eat food from Ukraine? It is GOOD! My favorite of it is kovbasa. It is made of pig and is VERY GOOD! On some times we eated it with kralya. But only if the uncle catch the kralya first! Kralya is the fastest! LOLOL!!! And with an onion!!!!!
posted by Wolfdog 03 February | 20:52
Not exactly a national ad campaign, that one.

But contact Sales Genie. Maybe they'll put a kralya in an ad during the Oscars.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 20:57
Seriously? You compare them?

Wow, that's digging pretty deep for a gotcha.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 20:57
FINally. Now it's a game.

Go Pats.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:11
Oh man, the talking baby with the implied balloon-bending clown in the background? Creepy, in the same way that the puking baby was disgusting.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:21
Etrade also has some other bizarre ads.

I feel like I'm suddenly unable to understand at least half of the commercials that run on TV. Does this mean I'm old?
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:25
YES!!! Oh it aired? Can I finally post that damn thing? It's been "embargoed" ie we can't post until it airs I've been gagging to for days. Memories of Baby Bob. THE HORROR!
posted by dabitch 03 February | 21:25
It's gonna get worse have you seen the lizards dancing to Thriller with Naomi Cambell yet?
posted by dabitch 03 February | 21:26
I feel like I'm suddenly unable to understand at least half of the commercials that run on TV. Does this mean I'm old?

Maybe it means you rolled your eyes too hard and damaged your brain.


Dabitch, they've aired at least 2 so far -- the baby spitting up and the one with the headless clown. Are there more? (Please say no.)
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:27
I liked that doggie at the bowl. I would have never have guessed it was Gatorade!?!

Husband is getting philosophical. Maybe it is the Bud Lite.

Me: The Patriots are down. Do you think they can win?

Him: Yes.

Me: Really?

Him: Yes. The other team doesn't know what to do with success. Most people don't.
posted by LoriFLA 03 February | 21:28
Yeah, Lori, I agree with him. I think they'll pull it out. Or off. Or whatever preposition you prefer.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:30
The one I was thinking of wasn't a Superbowl ad; it's a close-up of a Chinese or Chinese-American man, surrounded by his family, buying stock online. Every time it comes on, I'm like, "Why are we watching this? I don't get it."

I mean, I feel like it *could* be a commentary on the American dream, or a condemnation of Chinese censorship, or a reminder to teach your children about money, but... nothing's made explicit, and nothing's really implied either, so it's just weird.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:31
It's gonna get worse have you seen the lizards dancing to Thriller with Naomi Cambell yet?

Yes. That falls under the "I don't get it" category. I wanted to like it, it was cute, but ... WHY?

Maybe it means you rolled your eyes too hard and damaged your brain.

Hush, you. I already keep gingerly touching the corner of my eye to make sure my brain's not coming out.

posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:37
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:39
Yes, I know that commercial occhiblu! You know which one gets me? The couple in the T. Rowe Price commercial. I think it is T. Rowe Price. They're perfect. They have the perfect retro modern cool house. The two beautiful Great Danes. They're fit and good looking and vivacious. They claim to have met 50 or so years ago at a lawn mower factory. At the end they say something like, "There are a lot of people that have been married as long as we have. We're the only ones that we know of that still like each other." Give me a break! I still have to wonder if they're real or actors.

Woo, go Patriots!
posted by LoriFLA 03 February | 21:44
mudpuppie - that's it for Etrade tonight thankyouverymuch. Soon the deaf Pepsi ad will air. All lights are off in the "before the game". Makes no sense.
posted by dabitch 03 February | 21:47
....The houses. I mean the lighst are off in the houses. Argh. Nevermind, I'll go back to posting the superbowl ads.
posted by dabitch 03 February | 21:49
Yay, no more baby.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:51
Wow, beautiful play, Eli.

Go Pats.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:52
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:52
Ah, it just occurred to me, occhi, that we both had Tom Brady fantasy teams.

Go us.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:54
Indeed. Though ikkyu drafted him for me (I was in class) because he thought I thought he was cute. Which he is, but... I have no idea what my point is.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:55

posted by occhiblu 03 February | 21:56
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 21:56
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:00
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 22:01
That play doesn't work if no one catches it.

Sigh. Damn.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:03
posted by LoriFLA 03 February | 22:04
The whole thing was a sigh-damn.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 22:05
OK, this chaos is kind of funny.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:05
posted by fluffy battle kitten 03 February | 22:05
You know, Gisele Bundchen said she'd run naked down Broadway if the Pats lost. So, there's that to look forward to...
posted by jrossi4r 03 February | 22:06
It's not over till the confetti machines spew three-thousand pounds of scrap paper!
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:06
posted by fluffy battle kitten 03 February | 22:06
Awesome, jrossi.
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 22:07
I do love a good underdog victory. That was exciting.
posted by jrossi4r 03 February | 22:07
Yeah, I'm happy for Eli. (But I don't think they were the better team.)
posted by mudpuppie 03 February | 22:08
posted by casarkos 03 February | 22:13
AAAANNNDD nobody mentioned the screaming squirrel ad.

It had a screaming bunny too.

Actually our living room had TWO screaming bunnies, at the end of that game. ARG.
posted by bunnyfire 03 February | 22:14
The screaming squirrel ad FREAKED ME OUT. Even more than the Richard Simmons version. And it's hard to be freakier than Richard Simmons.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:16
Good game!!!!!!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 February | 22:17
Oh, the freakiest ad was when the spider ate the generic Jiminy Cricket/tinkerbell critter.
posted by bunnyfire 03 February | 22:19
I think they have shown Peyton as much as, if not more than, Eli.

Oh, I like Strahan. He's a cutie.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 22:21
Don't tell anyone: like football. Was awesome, very good game with crazy surprise ending. TP and HP good too.

Also, Eli Manning cute but too young. Obviously 12 years old, not yet legal. Has older bro? Is older bro cute?

(Orientalist commercial was offensive; TP art didn't make me think of sex. Obviously all of MeCha full of dirty minds.)
posted by brina 03 February | 22:25
Strahan was in the tabloids for weeks and weeks during his divorce/custory fight. I know way too much about his personal life/spending habits to find him attractive.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 February | 22:26
Real classy, that Belichick.
posted by casarkos 03 February | 22:27
posted by jonmc 03 February | 22:31
Just got back. Having noone to support, I thought I'd support the Patriots, but as soon as the game started, my love of the underdog got the better of me. What an exciting game. We watched it at our friends' place, right by Union Square. Union Square was nuts.

Loved the reaction shots of Peyton.
posted by gaspode 03 February | 23:19
Strahan was in the tabloids for weeks and weeks during his divorce/custody fight. I know way too much about his personal life/spending habits to find him attractive.

I don't really find him attractive as much as I think of him like a cute little kid. Kind of like Eli.

But I know nothing about his personal life, so ... yeah.
posted by occhiblu 03 February | 23:47
Playing a totally random set now. || We Are The Champions!