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22 January 2008

Is anyone doing this thing a day thing? i might give it a go.
I just signed up. Whether or not I do it remains to be seen.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 January | 00:08
If i do it, i was hoping to link it here whether i register there or not. It could be an excuse to do wacky makeup once a day or anything, really, plus anything i'd do anyway, only under this general umbrella.
We could have a daily show and tell.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 00:16
I think it was before the "a day" craze that I tried posting a "Photo-A-Day" to my weblog. It was fun, I guess, and I stretched my creativity a little and got 100 photos, most of them new, out of it before my life crashed in around me. I still wonder if I would've made it a year or more if things had been different. C'est lovey.

Anyway, I think these "A Day" things are really cool and good for you.

Right now I've challenged myself to a Live/Survive One Day a Day experiment. Does that count? Maybe I'll sign up.
posted by shane 22 January | 00:27
We have all kinds of people who do a thing a day already anyway. interrobang did his comic a day. mgl did the photo a day. Making a meal is a thing, especially if exercising is a thing. By the evening, if you haven't done a "thing," you can remember to do a thing.
i'm trying to think if i've done a thing today, and i guess coming up with novel new book storage is a thing, but i'm glad i don't have to take a picture of it because it's somewhat unsightly right now.
It seems like documenting it and framing it as a thing unto itself is the biggest task. If i teach Beatrix to roll a balance ball more than a foot, i could write about it but seems most effective if i could take a good picture, if the whole working camera thing wasn't a problem, or the whole catching the right shot, but then the picture is the thing.
There's a lot of things to do and we do lots of things.

Anyway, i'd rather do it here than there.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 00:37
That looks like fun, but I need to get a digital camera one of these years.
posted by Ardiril 22 January | 00:37
Boy, do i hear that.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 00:39
Also, someone could mention a thing and inspire someone else's thing, or we could have collaborative things.
i guess i'm saying i want us to do more things together or with each other, and this is as good an excuse as any.

Also, i have something planned for February 7th or so, which is the New Year of the Rat.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 00:49
I did a pattern a day for a couple of years.

I'm not sure I really understand the Thing a Day, though... they don't really give much information. Unless I'm just missing a link somewhere? I was hoping to see Thing a Day One, but it doesn't seem to be posted.
posted by taz 22 January | 01:00
i think we should do our own thing

or things

a day.

We do it anyway.

And February is short.

i think it really is more about the documentation, or show and tell.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 01:08
taz! You were "A Day" before all of us! How could I forget. I still have your tiles on my hard-drive and my blog.
posted by shane 22 January | 01:18
Heh. Not only that, but I had the blog idea thing a long time before regular blogs... I have page designs still on my hard drive for a site I had planned back in ... maybe '97? It was called "One Small Good Thing", and my plan was to have a short daily entry about something free or almost-free that was fun, useful, cheery, pretty, etc. I wanted to do it with a couple of other people, if possible. But the problem of finding something new every day on my own, plus the high (at that time) price of getting a domain, plus the effort of coding it (html) every day dissuaded me.

But see? If I had been a programmer, I might have come up with one of the first community blogs. I'll dig out some of those designs a bit later when I get on the other computer, and post it here. :)
posted by taz 22 January | 01:39
What a lot of us do here is comment and share our things.
i just thought it would be encouraging or easier participation if we did a corroborating month of "adays."
posted by ethylene 22 January | 01:53
Sounds interesting, but how is it organized? Like a theme for every day for a month?
posted by taz 22 January | 02:07
Just document the thing you did that day, on that day.

We could play with that idea at will.

For example, if we had a "What's your thing today" post, people post there about their thing. They could then link it to the "thing a day" site if they are registered, if they didn't have another form of documentation or web sourced evidence.
But, say, essexjan's thing is that she exercised that day. Maybe that inspires seanyboy to write a poem about that, then that's his thing. Maybe his poem inspires me to do a comic about it, etc. etc.

Or you post a nice design you did that day. That reminds someone else that they hadn't done a thing yet, so they exercise, or decide to invent a meal, and post a picture of it.

Variate ad nauseum.

i don't think it's any more complex than A Thing A Day.

Maybe someone wants to write a piece of prose every day, or take a photo, or a different thing on any given day, as long as you do a thing a day and document it.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 02:20
That sounds possibly do-able... do you want to make a A-Day post every day for february? Just make the post, and then people add their thing?
posted by taz 22 January | 02:31
This is my vote for a thong a day.
posted by ooga_booga 22 January | 02:33
Anyone could, if they were doing a thing a day for February. It is a short month.
Btw, in irc if it really needs any further explanation. Seems a pretty basic idea, but it'd be nice to chat with you. It's been ages.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 02:34
If a dog isn't eating them, ooga. That seems an isolated problem. Twinkie should do a thong a day, already does.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 02:35

Can't irc at the moment, cuz I'm sort of jumping around doing different things (not of them remotely thing-a-day post-able, unless laundry counts)... maybe tomorrow? Not for discussing this, but just generally for fun.
posted by taz 22 January | 02:54
i had to flee the box myself. i'm surprised i've been up this long.
Talk to you soon.
posted by ethylene 22 January | 02:57
I'm sorta interested. I like the idea that anyone could do ANYTHING and just post the evidence in a daily thread? I would never consider myself artistic, but a great friend of mine has shown me that you don't need to be able to paint in any realistic sense to be a painter. And so on. I keep wishing I could go out to the garage and just put some paint on some medium to see what comes out. Maybe something like this would be a help.

Hell, it could be anything really, so long as it comes out of you. Well, okay, maybe not anything.

Maybe this page might help explain? I know it did explain it to me!
posted by richat 22 January | 09:06
I need to focus on my health more than my creativity. Maybe I should make my thing a 1 mile run each day. By the end of February I'll have run a marathon!
posted by Eideteker 22 January | 09:06
Wow, richat... Somehow I was totally blind. I was looking all around for an "about" page, and didn't see one. Freaky. Now I'm worried about me.
posted by taz 22 January | 09:22
Hee. Sometimes things can hide in plain sight taz, don't fret.
posted by richat 22 January | 10:11
I made it through the photo a day thing in 2007 - ended up with 361 photos, which isn't too bad and makes me sort of proud. But it kind of soured me on the thing a day; 2008 is going to be more unstructured. I got to the point where I was dreading taking the camera out (and man, my friends and family were seriously dreading it.) Weirdly, though, now I feel guilty if I don't take a picture every day and I have to keep reminding myself late at night that it's okay, I don't have to take a picture that day. Early indoctrination into Catholicism strikes again!
posted by mygothlaundry 22 January | 10:51
How many people do you think are trying out sodlering?

couldn't resist the front page typo. or, maybe I'm stupid and people really do sodler.
posted by chewatadistance 22 January | 17:49
I totally sodler all the time. (Wait, is that dirty? I really hope it is.)

Anyway... I'm going to sign up, but I may only get through 3 days of it before the stress to perform and insecurity about my artistic ability gets to me.
posted by angelique.eek 22 January | 17:58
omg ! Elf-Bun ? || Anyone for an Economic Dead Pool?