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Comment Feed:


28 December 2007

Wither MeCha Radio? I've been exploring. The MaCha Radio thread listed to the right is old (October), is anything happening with this? Paging Box!
Hiya, fferret. What's the word?
posted by box 28 December | 11:59
You are referenced in the thread over there -->
as being the new mod for MeCha Radio. I've never seen that link live in the few weeks I've been here. Is it up? Is it pending something? Inquiring bunnies wanna know?
posted by fferret 28 December | 12:51
(Yeah, but I haven't been doing a lot of modding. Somewhere on the agenda for '08: possible minor changes in DJ guidelines, a big call for new DJs, another fund drive. I'd like to bounce some ideas off taz, seanyboy and mudpuppie before making any changes, though.)

Radio Mecha (see the link on the left-hand sidebar) has been up for a fairly long time, though it doesn't broadcast nearly as often as I'd like (and I suspect the holiday busyness is making that situation worse). When someone broadcasts, they make a notation on the wiki page, and they also make a post announcing it. What else would you like to know?
posted by box 28 December | 13:02
(*raises paw*) Count me in on that new DJ call, please? Thanks.
posted by fferret 28 December | 15:30
I'm a frequent listener of and DJ on MeCha Radio and I haven't been 'on' as frequently as I used to be. There are only a few of us left (BoringPostcards, paulsc and of course box), and nobody's been doing much. Maybe that'll change in the new year, when I've transferred more of my odd collection of mp3s to my new ThinkyPad, I don't know. Whatever, expect to see me promote it mercilessly here.

And box, send fferret the secret password/handshake so he can start now. If I'm by any of my compys when he does, I'll listen. (Unless he plays Britney. We have to draw the line somewhere.)
posted by wendell 28 December | 16:34
I've been wanting to get back on this as well... think I still have that email.
posted by moonbird 28 December | 19:22
Okay, let's get going on the '08 stuff. If you'd like to be a Radio Mecha DJ, drop me an email (it's in my profile, natch). (And if you don't still have it, moonbird, I'd be happy to send you another copy.)
posted by box 28 December | 19:25
My new (hand-me-down) iBook w/ grafitti art || Oops.